
[VIDEO] ACAMIS Football Game-winning Goal! ACAMIS足球锦标赛 - 必胜!

On April 20, the YCIS Beijing boys' and girls' under-19 football teams travelled to Shanghai to take part in the final Association of China and Mongolia International Schools (ACAMIS) football tournament of the 2016-17 school year. In each of their competitive games, both teams showed great drive, desire, and tenacity, with the Boys team coming away with third place and the Girls team placing fifth overall.

4月20日,北京耀中国际学校的19岁以下男子和女子足球队前往上海参加了2016-2017 中蒙国际学校协会(ACAMIS)足球锦标赛决赛。他们在各自的比赛中都展示了超强的战斗力,胜负欲和耐力,最终取得了男子组第三名和女子组第五名的好成绩。

For our Year 13 students, it was the final competition of their YCIS Beijing careers, making the tournament an emotional end to their high school sporting careers. Team captain Gino Chiu and teammates Emanuale and Marcello Finocchiaro, David Tso, and Marcus Chung on the Boys team and Gianna Chun and Nina Fitzpatrick on the Girls team all played their last games in YCIS Beijing red and blue.

对于 13年级的学生来说,这次比赛是他们在耀中学习生涯中的最后一次比赛,也是他们在北京耀中的运动生涯一个完美的情感终结。对于男队队长Gino Chiu,队员Emanuale 和 Marcello Finocchiaro, David Tso 以及 Marcus Chung,女队队员Gianna Chun 和 Nina Fitzpatrick 来说,这次比赛都是他们最后一次代表北京耀中比赛。

Head Football Coach Alastair Dawson commented on the team’s performance and character during this year-end tournament.

足球队总教练Alastair Dawson在这场最后的比赛中评价了球队的表现和特点:

The Boys team clinched their third place berth through a nail-biting penalty shootout. David Tso capitalized on the advantage provided by Gino Chiu’s supreme goalkeeping, smashing home the winning penalty kick (video below!). Unfortunately, the team wasn’t quite able to convert as many of their chances as they would have liked, falling just short in the semifinals against eventual winners BIS Shanghai.

男生队经历了一场令人紧张的点球大赛后取得了第三名的好成绩。David Tso凭借守门员Gino Chiu的有力支持,点球得分(可观看下方视频)。但是,队伍并不能如愿反击,在半决赛中不敌上海英国国际学校最终落败。


Whilst the boys struggled in front of the goal at times, the Girls team, led by MVP Sujing Kim, played some fluid attacking football, culminating in a decisive 5-0 victory in their final fixture.

在男生队在球门面前奋战的同时,由最有价值球员Sujing Kim带领的女子球队在连续攻击得分后,在决赛中以5:0的比分大获全胜。

On and off the field, the students embodied many of the values we seek to instill in the students here at YCIS Beijing. Their team spirit and positive attitude was commented on by many of those in attendance.


Congratulations to our teams on their successful seasons! We can’t wait to see you competing again in the fall!


Tap “Read more” below to read our recent student blog on multisport athletics!


[AWARDS] Racing for Gold at the Winter Swimming Invitational

[STUDENT BLOG] Captaining a Team to Victory

[TEACHER TALKS] Why Physical Education Matters

