
[VIDEO] Check Out Our Youngest Violin Protégés! 见证YCIS最小的小提琴演奏家

2017-05-12 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

The fruits of a year of dedicated practice and concentration were on full display last week during YCIS Beijing’s Primary School Violin Concert. Students in Years 1-3 performed a variety of pieces with their homeroom classes, striking beautiful notes in (relatively) perfect harmony! For a few select students especially committed to their violin studies, the concert was also an opportunity to showcase their talents through solo performances.



The Years 1-3 Violin Programme is a staple of the school’s vibrant Arts and Music programme and unique to the YCIS Beijing curriculum; no other school offers students the opportunity to learn the violin at such a young age. A selection of experts from our Performing Arts Department explained the reasoning behind this focus on violin study at such an early age as well as the benefits that it brings to students.

Y 1-3小提琴表演只是北京耀中丰富多彩的艺术和音乐项目的一部分,但是这个课程是北京耀中独一无二的课程;其他的学校不会在这么早的年级提供小提琴课程。我校表演与艺术部老师给出了低龄开始小提琴课程的原因以及低龄开始小提琴课程所带来的好处。

At the heart of the Yew Chung Education Foundation’s belief in a holistic education model sits music and the performing arts. Dr. Betty Chan saw the impact that music has on the brain development of young people and consequently introduced this program into every YCIS Primary School. 

耀中教育基金会相信耀中教育的整体教育模式以音乐和表演艺术为核心。Dr. Betty Chan领会了音乐对孩子们大脑的影响,因此把这个教育理念引进到了所有耀中教育的小学部。

The program has been in place at YCIS Beijing for over 10 years. During this time, it has been led and developed by Cindy Guo and Ai Li, who are both violin specialists.

此教育理念已经在北京耀中开展超过10年。在此期间,以Cindy Guo 和 Ai Li为引领教师,这两位教师都是小提琴专业教师。

Through violin classes, students develop the discipline associated with mastering a musical instrument and the skills associated with performing. When learning and playing with others, they need to develop their collaborative skills as well as the ability to follow a conductor’s cues. We also know that students experience increased self-esteem from belonging to an ensemble or being involved in performance.


Want to know more about the Yew Chung International School of Beijing Primary School experience? Tap “Read more” below!

想了解更多有关北京耀中国际学校小学体验吗? 点击下面“阅读更多”!

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[TEACHER PROFILE] Violin Virtuoso Cindy Guo

