
Our Simple Checklist for Outdoor Summer Fun! 简单的夏日户外兴趣活动列表!

2017-06-23 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

Spring has finally arrived in Beijing, bringing with it (mostly) blue skies and copious opportunities for outdoor fun. We Beijing residents are lucky that the city is teeming with parks and open spaces to take the kids outside on unpolluted days, but with multiple months of summer vacation, it can be a challenge to keep the younger ones busy for long. 


Megan Banerjee, YCIS Beijing Year 2 Team Leader and Western Co-teacher, has drawn up a lovely list of supplies and activities that will help keep your kids occupied and learning for hours on end throughout the summer months. If you’re careful, your kids won’t even realize all the learning they’ll be doing while still having a blast!

Megan Banerjee老师,北京耀中二年级的年级主任兼外教,做了一个非常可爱的活动列表,能帮助您的孩子在假期中有丰富的玩乐和学习安排。如果你足够细致,你的孩子不会注意到他们在玩耍的过程中依然在学习。

Sidewalk Chalk


This activity is only limited to your child’s imagination.  Kids can draw their shadows in the morning and track the changes they notice throughout the day.  Have them design their own version of hopscotch and add in new elements, like addition sentences, to get your kids thinking! Also try having them create a car racing track with obstacles, bridges, and difficult turns.


Marshmallow Shooter


These are really fun little toys that many grown-ups will remember making as kids themselves!  You’ll need some marshmallows, a plastic cup, and scissors. Cut off the bottom third of the plastic cup and dispose of it.  Snip the top off the balloon (not too much!) and tie it at the bottom.  Now, place the balloon on the cup and you’ve got yourself a Marshmallow Shooter!  Place the marshmallow inside, pull on the end of the balloon, release, and watch it fly! 


Make this a little more educational by estimating the distance the marshmallows will fly and measuring to see who can make it fly the furthest the winner.


Find the complete checklist by tapping “Read more” below!


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