
Essential Hacks for Beijing Newcomers 给初来北京的人的重要技巧

2017-06-16 Greg Eiselt YCISBeijing

With summer vacation just around the corner, it’s a time of transition in Beijing and at YCIS Beijing as well. Some families bid us farewell as they move back to their home countries, while others just beginning their China experience arrive to take their places.


At YCIS Beijing, we take great care to ensure our children are able to fully adapt to and eventually embrace the local culture, namely through Chinese language and China Studies programmes. However, for those adults who don’t have the luxury of a YCIS Beijing education, the city can be a challenging place to adapt to, especially if you speak zero Mandarin! However, we promise that if you manage to get out and explore, it will be well worth the effort.


To make this transition process easier, we spoke with Primary Curriculum Coordinator Jennifer Mills, who’s just finished her fourth year in Beijing. As she departs China for new opportunities, we asked her to draw on her breadth of experience to offer some sage advice for newly arriving families:

为了使您有一个平稳的过渡,我们采访了小学课程主管Jennifer Mills女士,她已经来北京四年了。她现在为了更好的机会将要离开,她结合自己的经验为初来北京的家庭提供一些好的建议:

What was the biggest challenge you faced when you first moved here (and how can newbies overcome it)? 


The biggest challenge for newcomers is being lost. Beijing is such a big city. Most Chinese people you meet are very helpful and want to assist foreigners, but not speaking Mandarin was a real challenge. 


Learning useful phrases in Mandarin as well as taking pictures of where I wanted to go with the address and map in Chinese really helped me navigate the city. Having Google translate on my phone got me out of a lot of tight spots!


You can find the rest of Jennifer’s tips by tapping “Read more”!


[GUIDE] Visit Beijing's Lesser Known Cultural Sites 拜访北京鲜为人知的文化遗址

[GUIDE] Lost in Beijing? Your Kids May be the Answer 在北京迷路了?您的孩子也许可以帮忙解决

[INTERVIEW] A New Family's Take on Beijing [采访] 初到北京的新家庭

