
Tips for the Transition to Kindergarten 成功第一步:让孩子平稳过渡到幼儿园生活

北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

The start of kindergarten is one of the biggest transitions in the life of a young child. Moving from the safety and security of a home environment into a new and unfamiliar setting presents many challenges for new students, faced suddenly with new authority figures and new daytime routines.  


As the school year is getting underway and many families are now helping their children with this adjustment, we asked Maryanne Harper, Yew Chung International School of Beijing’s Early Childhood Education Coordinator, to share some tips on separation anxiety, the importance of routines, and why it’s essential for parents to maintain open communication both with teachers and with your child during the transition process.

随着新学年渐渐步入正轨,许多家庭现在正帮助孩子去适应新的变化。我们采访了北京耀中国际学校幼教部主管Maryanne Harper,她将和大家分享一些关于分离焦虑、日常流程的提示,以及家长在过渡期要和老师保持密切沟通的原因。

Adjusting to a New Environment


Separation anxiety is a healthy and protective emotion. It’s a child’s way of saying to their parents, “You’re my safe base, but I need to develop trust and confidence in alternate caregivers.”


Therefore, the first few weeks of a child settling into an early year’s classroom is a time of crucial importance – it will contribute greatly to their eventual comfort in the new setting. All children are individuals, and while some children will adjust fairly quickly to their new environment and new routines, others will take longer to feel comfortable and secure.


To read the rest of Ms Harper’s tips, please tap “Read more” below.


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