
Save the Elephants: Students Lead a Voice for Change 学生引领变革之声

2018-03-02 北京耀中国际学校 YCISBeijing

During a unit this month on "living things", Year 4 teachers at Yew Chung International School of Beijing decided to bring real-world issues into the classroom. Inspired by a recent ban in China on the ivory trade - and by a lack of awareness of the ban by many members of the local community - teachers prompted students to study the issue of endangered elephants and to be a voice for change.

在这个月的 "生物"课上,北京耀中国际学校四年级的教师决定将现实世界的问题引入课堂。受到中国最近出台的禁止象牙贸易禁令的启发,有感于本地社区成员对该项禁令认识的不足,教师们引导学生研究濒临灭绝的大象问题,并为之发声。

Sian Edwards, Year 4 co-teacher at YCIS Beijing, goes into greater detail about the recent Save the Elephants project, including the ways in which the Chinese language programme was incorporated to enhance student learning, and ways that parents can support their children's passion to make a change in the world.

北京耀中国际学校四年级联席教师Sian Edwards详细介绍了拯救大象项目,包括如何纳入中文语言项目以加强学生的学习,以及父母应该如何支持孩子们改变世界的激情想法。

Multicultural Issues 多元文化问题

Though our study of living things and endangered species was foremost a lesson in science, at YCIS Beijing, the Chinese programme is intertwined throughout classroom lessons to reinforce our bilingual and bicultural curriculum. This is also important because issues such as endangered animals aren't isolated to a single region of the world - and the extinction of a species would be mourned equally in both the Eastern and Western worlds.


https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=q0563hrmd17&width=500&height=375&auto=0Students wrote, filmed and edited newscasts to raise awareness about the ivory ban. 学生负责撰稿,录制编辑了多则新闻讯息,来提高大家对于禁止象牙贸易禁令的认知。

To learn more, please click "Read More" below.


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