
Getting Involved with Giving Back 感受回馈

YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

In this week’s edition of Student Blogs, we meet YCIS Beijing students Selina and Cici who are involved with a range of charitable activities in Beijing and beyond. Here they discuss their most memorable experiences, why charity is so important to them and offer advice to other students looking to follow in their footsteps.


What has been your most memorable experience and why?


Selina: The Zebra project has been the most memorable experience for me. The Zebra project was initiated by YCIS Beijing a few years ago – it’s not connected to any charity. We donate clothes and books to children in a county called Banma. The memorable part of Zebra this year was when we received photos of the children wearing the clothes and holding the books that we donated. It made me feel like I’d made a real difference.


Cici: For me, it was visiting the migrant school. The quality of their lives is very different to ours and we witnessed it first-hand. The children were so happy with the learning materials that we bought them. It’s been incredibly special sharing an experience like that with children we otherwise wouldn’t have known. I’m really looking forward to working with them more.


To read the full interview with Selina and Cici, click “Read more” below.


[CHARITY DINNER] Students Host Dinner for Charity 我校学生将举办慈善晚宴

[SEEDS OF HOPE] Seeds of Hope: Spreading Love and Charity 希望种子:传播爱和慈善  

[THE ZEBRA PROJECT] The Zebra Charity Project

