
End of Term Cheer: Spirit and Enrichment Weeks 学期结束的欢呼:精神周和充实周

YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

In the final weeks of term, students have been busy enjoying end-of-year activities. In Primary, the penultimate week of school is known as Spirit Week, and in Secondary the final two weeks are given over to Enrichment Week.


This year, the theme of Spirit Week was Community. Students explored the theme in a variety of ways, including creating pieces of art and writing inspired by the idea of community.


Spirit Week culminates with Spirit Day – a day of games and sports where students compete against each other in houses. While a customary part of Spirit Week, the games tied in with this year’s theme; sports have the ability to generate the sense of belonging and unity that makes a community.


A significant element of Secondary Enrichment Week this year were daily wellness workshops that covered a range of wellbeing themes. The workshops encouraged students to reflect on their year, and covered lessons around goal setting, organisation, handling emotions and settling conflicts. 


Other activities included trips to China Ethnic Culture Park and the Ole Climbing Centre, a science fair, sports and orienteering.


Mrs Alana Martin, Y6-8 Learning Community Leader said “Enrichment Week brings about a great sense of happiness and community that students can look forward to returning to after the summer holidays.”

6-8年级学习社区负责人Alana Martin女士说:“充实周给学生带来了很好的幸福感和社区氛围,学生们非常期待暑假后回归校园。”

To read more about Spirit and Enrichment Weeks, click "Read more" below.


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