
Making, Racing, Painting: Teaching Chinese Culture 如何教授中国文化

YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

“At the heart of our education model is the integration of Chinese elements into our curriculum” explains Ms April Peng, Primary Chinese Coordinator. “We want our students to understand and connect with Chinese history and culture.”


In the final few weeks of term Year 2 teacher Ms Zoe Yao led a brush painting workshop for Primary students. She showed students how to paint bamboo plants, applying varying pressure and using different strokes with the brush to achieve different weights and shapes in the line.

在2年级学期末的最后几周,Zoe Yao女士将小学生们领入了国画工作坊。她向学生们展示了如何绘制竹子,施加不同的力度,并使用不同的毛笔,可以呈现出不同浓度的线条和形状。

“While helping students appreciate a traditional art form,” explains Ms Peng, “the workshop also exposed them to specific language and terminology around calligraphy and brush work – deepening Chinese language skills.”

“在带领学生们欣赏传统艺术的同时,” 彭女士解释说,“工作坊还向他们展示了有关书法和画法的特定语言和术语—深化了学生的中文技能。”

Also in summer term, students around the school celebrated Duanwu Jie, or Dragon Boat Festival. Activities began with a zongzi making workshop – in which students learned how to make the traditional packages of steamed rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. 


“When Qu Yuan, a loyal patriot, poet and minister, was turned against by the king, he threw himself into the Miluo River. Legend has it that the locals threw rice into the river to stop the fish eating his body. The rice is represented today by the zongzi,” explains Ms Peng. “There’s no better way to teach a festival and story then to allow our students to take part in its activities.”

“屈原,一位忠诚的爱国者,诗人和臣子,面对皇帝的反目,他投入汨罗江。传说当地人把米饭扔进河里以阻止鱼啃食他的身体。今天,由粽子代表米饭彭女士解释说。 “我们通过让学生参与这样的活动,来讲解节日及来历,这是最好的办法。”

To read about this year’s Primary dragon boat race and find out about other Chinese activities, click “Read more” below. 


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