
Staff Development Week: Being the Best We Can Be 员工发展周:竭尽所能做到最好

YCISBeijing 2019-05-17

This week has been staff development week. With thirty new teachers preparing to start a new school year across ECE, Primary and Secondary, existing staff have been busy ensuring everyone is settled into school life.


Mission, Principles and Practices


To raise globally competent and compassionate leaders with a servant’s heart, who aspire to, and act for, a better world.


A particular focus this week has been on our school Mission, Principles and Practices. All staff have received training on our school’s core mission, and how it is supported by our Principles and Practices.


Maintaining International Standards


YCIS Beijing is proud to be accredited by CIS, or the Council of International Schools. Over the next 18 months, we are preparing for the school’s re-accreditation. This week, staff have been organised into committees, all of whom will be contributing towards our very important re-accreditation.


Embracing Innovation


For many teachers, it is their first time utilising our innovative open plan Learning Communities. Mrs Maryanne Harper, Ms Jane Kang and Ms Farah Sun all led specialist inductions on their Learning Communities – the philosophy behind them and how to use them to enhance teaching.

对于许多教师来说,这是他们第一次使用我们的创新式开放学习社区。Maryanne Harper女士,Jane Kang女士和Farah Sun女士都在他们的学习社区中做了专业的入职培训,讲解这些学习社区背后的哲学以及如何使用它们来加强教学。

Happy Teachers are Good Teachers


“The whole purpose of this week is to help our new staff feel comfortable, confident and settled into school and Beijing,” explains Primary Teacher Ms Eurika Foster. “I hope that by the time students are in classrooms on Monday, every teacher feels happy and excited to start the year ahead.”

“本周的目的是帮助我们的新员工感到舒适、自信并完全融入学校和北京,”小学教师Eurika Foster女士解释道。“我希望,星期一当学生们坐在教室里上课时,每位老师都能为开始一个新的学年感到开心和兴奋。”

For more info on our staff development week, click “Read more” below.


[WELCOME BBQ] Welcome BBQ: Call for Vendors and Sponsors  欢迎BBQ:招募供应商和赞助商

[BEIJING GUIDEBOOK] Making the Most of Beijing: The Y3-5 Guide Book 充分享受北京:3-5年级指南

[WELCOME NEW FAMILIES] Welcome to YCIS Beijing!  欢迎来到北京耀中!

