
Keeping Chinese at the Heart of Secondary 中文课程在中学部的核心地位

In Secondary, lessons are mostly taught in English to prepare students for their IGCSE and IBDP exams, but Chinese language and culture still play a central role. We speak to Ms Jessica Sun, Secondary Chinese Coordinator, about the Chinese programme in Secondary.


Please explain our Secondary Chinese programme.


Daily Chinese language lessons are a compulsory part of the Secondary timetable from Year 6 to Year 11 and all students take a Chinese language paper for IGCSE. This year more than half went on to take the bilingual IB diploma too. 


On Fridays, Chinese classes are focused on Chinese studies and students learn about other aspects of Chinese history and culture. However, this happens during language lessons too. 


How do we encourage students to engage with Chinese culture?


Throughout the year, we learn about and celebrate Chinese festivals. We also go on cultural field trips to temples, museums and historic sites. There are CCAs where students can explore traditional Chinese activities and, at the beginning of each year, students throughout Secondary go on the Experiencing China trips. 


How do we engage students with the local community?


Sometimes we set up interactions with local people by visiting the park. We also invite professionals such as journalists or actors into the school to talk. There are many opportunities for our students to meet local Chinese people. 


To read more about our programme and hear Ms Sun’s recommendations for language learning apps, click “read more” below.


[CHINESE CULTURE] Making, Racing, Painting: Teaching Chinese Culture 如何教授中国文化

[EXPERIENCING CHINA] Out of the Classroom and Into China  走出课堂感受中国

[TIPS] Six Tips for Keeping up Language over the Summer 在暑假保持语言能力的六大秘诀

