
How to Guarantee Fresh Air at Home 空气质量检测!如何保证家里的新鲜空气

We care about air quality at YCIS Beijing and we recently completed our programme of air quality tests in Building G following the Learning Community renovations. We ask the experts from Pure Living to explain more. 

我们关注北京耀中的空气质量,最近我们在新装修的学习社区完成了G楼的空气质量检测。我们采访了Pure Living的专家。

Please explain the key results of the test and what this means


We have run a series of tests for formaldehyde in all areas on the 2nd floor of Building G. There were no points of failure for formaldehyde anywhere and the average indoor formaldehyde level was 30% of the national safety standard limit. 


Why should we use a company such as Pure Living, and not conduct these tests ourselves?

我们为什么要请Pure Living这样的公司,而不是自己进行这些测试?

Common AQI readers for personal use are not adequate for testing the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde. The only way to be sure of VOC pollutant levels is by using laboratory analysis.


What can families do at home to improve their air quality?


In Beijing, many people are concerned about particulate matter (PM2.5) which is caused by combustion. This can be monitored at home with common AQI monitors. The best way to keep PM2.5 down at home is to purchase air filters and keep your windows closed when the pollution is high outside. 


Formaldehyde is present in new furniture, renovation materials and household cleaning products. The best way to reduce the presence of formaldehyde is to increase ventilation: open your windows (when the pollution is low!) or keep your fresh air system switched on.


For more information on the tests, click “Read more” below.


[NEW LEARNING COMMUNITY] Understanding Our K4 Learning Community 了解我们的K4学习社区 

[NEW LEARNING COMMUNITY] Introducing Our Brand New Learning Community 引入全新的学习社区

[NEW LEARNING COMMUNITY] Settling into School after the Holidays 假期后返校

