
Tips for Beating Anxiety 打败焦虑的提示

YCISBeijing 2019-05-16

On February 28th our School Counsellor, Rachel George, will host a workshop for parents on “Beating School Anxiety”.  The workshop will help parents recognise the signs of anxiety in their children and offer strategies for overcoming stress. We ask Rachel to share her top tips ahead of the workshop.

我们的学校辅导员Rachel George将在2月28日为家长举办一场“打败上学焦虑”的工作坊。该工作坊将帮助父母认识孩子焦虑的迹象,并提供克服压力的策略。我们请Rachel在工作坊之前分享她的最佳提示。

1. How to spot anxiety 


Anxiety looks different in different people but some common signs are: crying, whining, temper tantrums, withdrawal, nail biting, nervous scratching or twitching, loss of appetite or insomnia. If any of these behaviours have arrived suddenly and out-of-the-blue, it could be a sign of anxiety. 


2. Tell them they’re not alone


Everyone experiences stress and anxiety. Sometimes the things that make us feel stressed are short-lived. Sometimes they can last for a long time. If your child is feeling stressed or anxious, tell them that they’re not alone. 


3. Make time to relax


After a busy day at school, children need time to relax and unwind. Time spent doing nothing is essential for their personal development and mental health. Make sure your child has time to chill out. It will really help them cope with the pressures of school.


To sign up for Rachel’s workshop, scan the QR code below:


To continue reading Rachel’s tips, click “Read more” below.


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