Coping Skills on YCIS-BJ Wellness Day | 北京耀中健康日给出的应对技能
Following the success of the inaugural Wellness Wednesday in March, the YCIS Beijing Secondary team hosted yet another successful Wellness Day for Lower Secondary students earlier this month. After taking into consideration many of the students' recommendations regarding activities. They were focused on helping students cope with pressures that come with academic work, reinforcing our school's commitment to a holistic approach to teaching and learning, which stresses students' overall welfare.
According to Susan Botcharova "Wellness Thursday was focused on developing Coping Skills, a topic explored in our Life Skills classes" she said. "Finding one's coping strategy is empowering and helps us understand that we can handle and deal with many of the stresses we each face, something we all need in this unique and challenging time."
Coping Skills Activities
Each activity had a purpose, "not only do these skills help with academic performance by teaching them how to push through feelings of frustration or disappointment, but also empowers them to be less reactive." explained Miss George.
A mentioned above, three main activities were scheduled on the day for students to participate in;
Coping Toolbox: The objective of this activity was for students to search for items around their homes that would help them when faced with adverse emotions. "Students were encouraged to find things around the house that appealed to their senses: something they could see, such as photographs that may remind them of a happy time, person, or place". said, Miss George.
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The Mandala Scavenger Hunt: "The scavenger hunts were intended to get students in physical contact with the natural world." Explained Miss Botcharova. Students had to pick at least six items to create their mandala.
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The Talent Show: During this activity, students were offered an opportunity to showcase their talents, hobbies and creativity to their classmates and teachers. Activities ranged from photo editing, colouring, cooking and even original song compositions.
Press play to watch a student showcase her Mandala drawing skills
To read the full article and teachers’ reflections, click the “Read More” button below.
Susan Botcharova女士说:“健康星期四关注发展应对技能,这是我们生活技能课程中探索的主题。”她还说道:“找到自己的应对策略将帮助我们理解、应对和处理我们所面临的许多压力,这是我们在这个独特而富有挑战性的时代都需要的技能。”
应对工具箱: 这个活动的目的是让学生在家里寻找可以帮助他们面对负面情绪的物品。“我们鼓励学生们在家中寻找能引起他们感官共鸣的东西:一些他们能看到的东西,比如照片,可能会让他们想起快乐的时光、人或地方。”George女士说道。
“曼陀罗寻宝”: “寻宝游戏”旨在让学生接触大自然。”Botcharova女士解释道。学生们必须选择至少6个物品来创造他们的曼陀罗。
才艺展示: 在本次活动中,学生们有机会向同学和老师展示自己的才华、爱好和创造力。活动包括照片编辑、填色、烹饪,甚至原创歌曲创作。
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