
Gig Recap 现场回顾: Acid Lumo 酸鲁磨, Aming 阿鸣, 河边走 (育音堂 2023.10.26)

liveCNmusic 2024-01-03

Gig Recap 现场回顾

Acid Lumo 酸鲁磨, The River, Orchestration, Walkman! 河边走, Aming 阿鸣

- Yuyintang 育音堂


又一个自由奔放的迷幻之夜在育音堂上演 - 酸鲁磨在上周四到来。他们来自武汉地下音乐场景的边缘地带,成员不断轮换。他们是与迷幻密谋的混沌声音,是先锋实验的疑惑,是充斥蜂鸣的声音碎片与自由即兴。这个乐队(今晚是六人)本质上是对这一音乐流派更加混乱叉路的一次的深入探索。有时令人感到难以承受,有时令人赞叹不已 - 这是对感官的轰炸,如果你能够跟上它的音乐频率而不坠入深渊,那你理应享受当晚的一切。

说到享受,为酸鲁磨开场的是河边走 - 这支离经叛道的迷幻摇滚组合每次都能让我起鸡皮疙瘩。他们是我很久以来见过的最原创、最有才华和最清奇的乐队之一。他们是瓶中闪电,每次表演都更加出色。此外,上海的迷幻吉祥物阿鸣也在场,用他的传统乐器和萨满式的人声交织循环,欣快地游走于天才和疯狂的边缘。太美妙了。

总的来说,这是一个充满探索性声音的喧嚣而振奋的夜晚 - 再次证明中国的迷幻和实验音乐场景依然强大。

Another evening of free-wheeling psychedelic-laced music out of Yuyintang - last Thursday saw the arrival of Acid Lumo酸鲁磨. Made up from the confines of the Wuhan underground scene with an ever-rotating cast of curious characters, they’re a sonic jumble of psychedelic malice, experimental perplexities, drone-filled soundscapes and free  improvisation. 

The group (regulated to six people tonight) are essentially a deep dive into the genre’s more chaotic tendencies. Overbearing at times, sublime at others - it was a bombardment on the senses, and if you could manage to jump on its wavelength without tumbling into the abyss, you were in for a treat. 

Speaking of treats, opening for Acid Lumo酸鲁磨 were The River, Orchestration, Walkman!河边走 - the off-kilter psych rock outfit that still manages to give me goosebumps each time I catch them. One of the most original, talented, and strangely poignant acts I’ve seen in quite a while - they’re lightning in a bottle - one that grows richer with each outing. 

Also, Shanghai’s own psychedelic mascot Aming阿鸣, who never ceases to amaze me was on hand, gleefully riding the edge between genius and insanity as he unleashed an entourage of traditional instruments, looping over and through his shaman-esque vocals. Glorious. 

All in all, a riotous invigorating evening of exploratory tunes - proof once again that China’s psychedelic and experimental scene is stronger than ever.

Words: Will

Photos: Will 

Translation: Xiu

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