3D打印行业透视@Formnext l 对话UL增材制造首席开发工程师; AMUG总裁Paul Bates先生
Formnext 2018展会期间,3D科学谷联合创始人Korinna Penndorf 女士与3D打印行业专家进行了访谈,通过5个问题的问答揭示行业发展机遇、挑战与趋势。
3D打印行业透视@Formnext的本期被采访对象是UL增材制造首席首席开发工程师; AMUG总裁Paul Bates先生。
本篇文章为formnext 2018 3D打印行业透视最后一篇采访文章,在此让我们向3D科学谷联合创始人Korinna Penndorf女士致以感谢。身怀六甲的她不仅承担了不可思议的工作量并出色的完成了所有的访谈,她还亲自做了访谈的英文笔录,为3D科学谷本次formnext期间希望通过更广的视角来透视行业发展的心愿画上了圆满的句号。
左: Korinna Penndorf, 3D科学谷联合创始人
右: Paul Bate, UL增材制造首席首席开发工程师; AMUG总裁
About Formnext
Q1. 贵公司Formnext展会上有哪些亮点?
A: 从AMUG增材制造用户大会的层面来说,我很高兴在formnext见到我们所有的赞助商。此外,还有很多参展商将于2019年4月在芝加哥参加AMUG,很高兴在这里见到他们。
About Business
Q2. 在您的公司,今年的3D打印业务与去年相比的业绩是怎样的?
A: 我们看到了增长,因为我们的客户现在比以往任何时候都在打印更多零件。因此,从UL的角度来看,我们的客户正在制造更多的零件,并进行更多的生产而不是原型制造。当然,我们所看到的是普遍增长,从细分角度看,金属3D打印的增长速度非常迅速,新的参与者很快就会进入市场。已安装的机器总数正在快速增长。这也带来了很多正在学习增材制造技术的新人,UL的培训可以支持他们完成工作。
About Challenges
Q3. 当前贵公司3D打印相关的业务所面临的主要挑战是什么?
A: 我认为增长是最大的挑战之一,增长是一件好事,但是,当我们看到更多的公司正在进入到增材制造领域的时候,风险也在积聚。风险来自生产本身,也来自投资,如果我们不能很好地控制风险,这可能会伤害到行业发展本身,我们看到增长的速度越快,我们需要控制的风险就越大。
About the industry
Q4. 关于3D打印行业的发展,您怎么看待2018年的发展情况,您觉得站在行业发展的角度,今年主要的发展以及障碍有哪些?
A: 对于2018年,我认为有很多技术与应用层面的发展,无论是Desktop Metal还是HP或其他公司推出的新技术。其实这些技术将如何影响应用领域,我们还并不十分了解,但无疑这些技术正在影响我们制造的方式。所以我们更加需要了解和全面认识这些技术的应用潜力,开发有效的方式来为我们的客户增加价值。
About the future of AM
Q5. 您个人或者您公司对与未来5年增材制造行业的发展看法如何?
A: 展望未来五年总是有点挑战的,不过有一个判断是材料开发成为驱动行业发展的主要因素。在增长中,我们将会看到,良好的应用必须由材料驱动。
关于UL:UL 作为全球安全事业领导者,自创立之日起便以“创建一个更加安全的世界”为使命,致力于为全人类创建更安全的工作和生活环境。自1980年进入中国以来,提供本土化测试、认证、检验、培训和咨询服务,助力中国企业应对挑战,提升国际竞争力。
-- 英文采访 --
Q1: What’s your highlights here at Formnext?
A: So as for AMUG, it is nice here to meet all of our sponsors. Also there are a lot of exhibitors here who will attend AMUG in Chicago April 2019. It is nice to meet with them.
All the AMUG officers are voluteers, I work for UL. For UL, I can do a little bit research here. Recently UL has annouced the new program of additive manufacturing safety, and we are happy to introduce to the manufacturers. Maybe they have several different machines and talk to about supporting them from a safety perspective.
There’s so many new companies with data management, data security, and simulation software. That’s something that UL is quite interested in.
Q2: If you compare this year business performance as opposed the last year, how has it been?
A: We’re seeing growth, because our customers are printing more parts now than ever before. So from a UL perspective, as our customers are making more parts and do more production versus prototyping. What we’re seeing just general growth. Obviously, metals is growing very rapidly, new players coming in pretty quickly. And just the overall number of machines that have been installed, is growing very, very fast. So new people that are learning special techniques and special methods, UL is here to support each other in getting their jobs done.
Also for AMUG, there are people have been in 3d printing for thirty years and the new comers have that opportunity to sit next to them, and learn from the experts, interact with them directly.
Q3: What are the major challengesas Renishaw that you are currently facing?
A: I think the growth is one of the biggest challenges. I mean growth is a great thing. It’s really awesome that we’re seeing growth. But when we see that more companies are implementing additive for production, that’s a wonderful thing, but the risks are actually greater because of that.
Whether the risk is coming from the production itself, or from the investment, if we can not manage the risk very well, this could hurt the industry, the faster we see growth, the more risk we need to manage.
To manage the risk, education is the key. Through education, the users can be smarter. For the company which is buying into the technology, knowing what you’re buying, having a really good business plan.
If it is not the best business plan, probably gonna fail. And that hurts you and hurts your business, hurts your investors, at the same time, hurts the industry.
So I think becoming more educated, not just to see the value that we’re seeing from additive manufacturing, but to see challenges that coming up together, that can help us to be more effective and more innovative in the end.
Q4: How would you look at the year 2018 for the overall industry: what’s been the major developments and obstacles for the industry?
A: Well, for 2018, I think there are a lot of development, whether it’s polymer coated metals, whether it’s Desktop Metal or HP or others. I think that is very interesting space to be in right now. It is not at all tell all solution like it’s going to work for everything, but it is impacting the way we are working for manuafucturing. For example, it is really interesting for a person who can leverage expertise in metal injection molding to other areas by using this new technology.
So I think the concerns raise up about whether we can use this addtive manufacturing technology work on these parts which we have be get used to and whether we can use them in effective way to add value to the customers.
Q5: How do you think things will develop over the next 5 year?
A:Well, you know, I guess that looking ahead five years is always a little challenging, because we may have an answer, but it doesn't mean that is what will happen. So predicting the future is always a bit of challenge. I think that I've said it years passed and it's been sort of true, the material development has to be a major factor. And in the growth, we're going to see because good application has to be driven by materials.
We're seeing a lot more talk of copper now in the metal side, and it's a huge opportunity. Other materials, whether it's reinforced plastics or new ceramic, I think that is going to be additional materials coming in 5 years, those are different materials, which is going to drive different applications or more applications.
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