
AI 复原的 “山海经” 美翻了 ! 再现中国人独有的浪漫和想象 !

行小曦 曦语子 2024-06-01

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>>  山海经是一本中国上古的奇书,包罗万象,山川地理无所不有,其中奇幻异兽非常多。就连华为也注册了整本的山海经,可见山海经的文化魅力多么强大。

《山海经》山海异兽部分:鲲鹏,独角兽,混沌,飞廉,夔kuí牛,鬼车,重明鸟,当康,英招,化蛇,祸斗,蚣蝮,猰貐,虚耗,貔貅,负屃,螭吻,霸下,狴犴,蒲牢,狻猊,蜚,青龙,白虎,朱雀,玄武,当康,嘲风,睚毗,囚牛,蟠龙,蛟龙,螭龙,应龙,肥遗,白矖,麒麟,白泽,陵鱼,梼杌,穷奇,烛龙,精卫,狸力,举父,帝江,蛊雕,獓狠,鸾鸟,胜遇,毕方,天狗,鵸鵌,蠃鱼,乘黄,讹兽,风生兽,夫诸,姑获鸟,鲛人,英招,傒囊,狸力,鸣蛇,孟极,灭蒙鸟,蛮蛮,马腹,鸰,祸斗,火鼠,患,何罗鱼,辟邪,刑天,雷神,屏蓬,火光兽,陵鱼,猰貐,角端,诸怀,乘黄,夫诸,朱厌,天马,九婴,钩蛇,凿齿,祸斗,陆吾,当扈,赤眼猪妖,比翼鸟,应龙,英招... 等等还有很多很多。 






 >>  “ 朱 雀 ”             

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Suzaku, also known as Vermilion Bird, is one of the four elephants and one of the four spirits of the sky in traditional Chinese culture. Its origin should not be later than the Spring and Autumn Period, and it is one of the four spirits of the sky. It is the manifestation of the seven constellations in the south of the twenty-eight constellations, and its body is covered with flames that will not go out all day long. It is a divine beast representing the south, its color is red, it is the sun in the four images, it is fire in the five elements, it is Li in the eight trigrams, it represents summer, and it belongs to Emperor Yan.

 >>  “ 鲲 鹏  ”              


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Kunpeng, the big fish and big bird in ancient legends. According to "Zhuangzi Xiaoyaoyou" records: Kunpeng's morphological characteristics are very large, whether it is a fish like Kun or a bird like Peng, its shape does not know how many thousands of miles long.

 >>   “ 耳鼠  ”          

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The ear mouse is a strange animal in the myths and legends of the Han nationality. It is like a mouse with a rabbit head and can fly with its tail. Its theory first appeared in the pre-Qin period. "Shan Hai Jing" has a cloud: ear mouse, beast, its shape is like a mouse, and the head of a moose has a body, its sound is like a dog, it flies with its tail, it does not eat, and it can resist all kinds of poisons.

 >>  “ 陵鱼鲛人”             

 >>  “ 白 鵺  ”              

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White Nae, the legendary ancient beast. From "Shan Hai Jing Bei Shan Jing". It looks like a pheasant, with markings on its head, white wings and yellow feet. It is said that eating its meat can cure sore throat and dementia.

 >>  “ 獬 豸 ”              

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A mythical animal in Chinese legend, looks like a sheep, with a long single horn in the middle of the head, piercing eyes, short tail like a snail, and goat's hooves. Xiezhi likes to live by the water, and has a loyal temperament. If it sees two people fighting, it will bump the wrong side with its horns; Ah's instinct, so Xiezhi and Yanwei have been regarded as divine beasts since ancient times.

 >>  “ 白 泽 ”              

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A legendary beast in ancient times. Can speak human language, understand the truth of all things in the world. It is an auspicious beast that can know the appearance of all things in the world, ghosts and gods, and can turn people from bad luck to good luck. It is often regarded as a symbol of a ruler with high morals governing the world together with unicorn or phoenix. According to legend, when the Yellow Emperor was on a hunting tour, he met Bai Ze on the coast of the East China Sea and asked him about ghosts and gods. Bai Ze told the Yellow Emperor about 11,520 kinds of ghosts and gods. The complete story of Bai Ze can be found in "Xuanyuan Benji" cited in volume 100 of "Yunji Qizhu" in Song Dynasty.

 >>  “ 彘  ”              

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A strange beast in Shan Hai Jing, shaped like a tiger but with a cow's tail, barks like a dog and can eat people. Chinese name: 彘; source: "Shan Hai Jing". Type: ancient beast;

 >>  “ 青 鸟 ”              

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It is a divine bird that feeds and conveys messages to the Queen Mother of the West in myths and legends. It symbolizes happiness and the pursuit of dreams and hopes.

 >>  “ 重明鸟 ”              

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The Chongming bird is a divine bird in ancient Chinese myths and legends. Its shape is like a chicken, and its sound is like a phoenix. This bird has two eyes in both eyes, so it is called the Chongming bird, also known as the Chongyan bird. It is very powerful and can fight wild beasts. It can eliminate disasters such as beasts and monsters.

 >>  “ 句 芒 ”              

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Gōu máng (gōu máng) is the god of wood, spring, and the east in ancient Chinese folk mythology. Mang, bird body and human face, rides two dragons.

 >>  “ 繅 魚 ”              

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It is a strange beast with a fish body but bird wings, which can sing like a mandarin duck. Wherever it appears, it will bring floods.

 >>  “ 陆 吾 ”              

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Lu Wu, also known as "Jian Wu", is the God of the Kunlun Mountains in ancient Chinese legends, with a human face and tiger claws, and a tiger body with nine tails. It is said that he was a courtier of the Yellow Emperor and was responsible for guarding the "Shan Hai Jing Xi Shan Jing" for the Yellow Emperor.

 >>  “ 文鳐鱼 ”              

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A fish in ancient   Wen Ray, a fish in ancient Chinese myths and legends, is also known as Yan Ray and Flying Fish. The ray is shaped like a carp, with a fish body, bird wings, a white head and a red beak, with pale markings on its body, and it often flies at night. Crowing like a rooster,

 >>  “ 毕方 ”              

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Bi Fang, Mu Jing, the omen of fire in ancient Chinese legends. Its shape is like a crane, its body color is blue mixed with red spots, its bare feet are white, and it has one foot. It often holds a ball of fire in its mouth. References "Shan Hai Jing·Xishan Jing" "Shen Yi Jing" "Han Fei Zi · Ten Passes" "Huai Nan Zi · Pan Lun"

 >>  “ 祝 融 ”              

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In ancient Chinese mythology, the god of fire, the god of the south, the god of Nanyue, the god of the South Sea, the god of summer, and the god of kitchen, one of the gods of the five elements. In historical documents, there are many and complicated records about Zhu Rong. In some documents, Zhu Rong refers to the family of Zhu Rong, one of the Three Emperors. 

 >>  “ 麒 麟  ”              

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Kylin, also known as Gou Chen, Qi 𬴊, and Qi 𪊭, is a mythical animal in ancient Chinese myths and legends. It is a descendant of Jianma, and its ancestor is Yinglong. Often confused with dragon horse. In ancient China, unicorns were used to symbolize auspiciousness. The male beast is Qi and the female beast is Lin. It is said that it can live for two thousand years. It has a gentle temperament, although it has weapons that can attack the enemy, it does not hurt humans and animals, and does not trample insects, flowers and plants, so it is called a benevolent beast.

 >>  “ 九尾狐 ”              

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Nine-tailed fox, a mythical creature in China. The Book of Mountains and Seas and "Nanshan Jing" say: "There are beasts in the mountains of Qingqiu, which are shaped like foxes and have nine tails." , its fox has four legs and nine tails." "Dahuang Dong jing " says: "There is a country of green hills, and there are foxes with nine tails.

 >>  “ 鹿 蜀 ”              

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Lu Shu is a beast in ancient Chinese myths and legends. It looks like a horse, with a white head, stripes like tiger spots, and a red tail. It sounds like people singing folk songs. Related sources Deer and Shu [ancient Chinese legendary beasts] ...

 >>  “ 䑏 疏 ”              

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Three hundred miles to the north, it is called Daishan, with many jades on it and green green below it. There is a beast named Yan, which looks like a horse, and has a horn on one corner. Its name is Yu Shu, which can ward off fire. There is Niaoyan, whose shape is like a crow, with five colors and red writing. It is called 鵸䳜. Pengshui flows out, and westward flows into the water of Pyrene Lake. Among them are many fishes, whose shape is like a chicken with red hair, three tails, six legs and four heads.

 >>  “ 比翼鸟 ”              

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Lovebirds are legendary creatures in ancient China, also known as 鹣鹣, Manman, 𪈮, 𪈿. The legendary lovebirds only have one eye and one wing, so both male and female birds must cooperate with each other to fly. It is said that as soon as this bird appears, there will be a flood.

 >>  “ 青 龙 ”              

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One of the four spirits of the sky, according to the theory of the five elements, it is a spiritual beast representing the east, a cyan dragon, the five elements belong to wood, the season it represents is spring, and the eight trigrams are the main shocks. Canglong, like Yinglong, has wings.

 >>  “ 凤 凰 ”              

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It is a pair of birds and beasts in ancient Chinese myths and legends. There are male and female, the male is "Feng", and the female is "Huang", collectively known as Phoenix.

 >>  “ 夫诸 ”              

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Husbands look like white deer with four horns. The divine beast that is a sign of water can attract floods. It was first recorded in the pre-Qin period. It is contained in "Shan Hai Jing Zhongci San Jing". The name of the legendary beast. It is shaped like a white deer and has four corners. It is now a sign of floods.

 >>  “ 蛊 雕 ”              

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Gu Diao, also known as Zhu Diao, is a man-eating monster that looks like a bird but not a bird. It looks like a vulture, has horns on its head, and cries like a baby. It is a monster in ancient Chinese myths and legends.

 >>  “ 三足金乌 ”              

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The three-legged crow is also known as the red crow. In Chinese mythology, its image is a black crow squatting in the center of the golden red sun, so it is often called the Golden Crow. It mainly serves the Queen Mother of the West and is the spirit of the sun in Han mythology. According to the myth, there is a three-legged crow in the sun, and the ancient people used the golden crow as an alias for the sun. Among the cultural relics unearthed in China are the murals of Nuwa and Fuxi each holding a sun. It is said that the three-legged crow is the essence of the sun, living in the center of the sun, and it is in the form of a three-legged crow, and there are ten of them.



第一部分:其中根据不同的神兽具体具体的描述,因为现在不同典籍书籍或者网络,记载的内容是不同的,根据个人的看法进行关键词的描述, 形容主题特征。

+ 第二部分:要用到的关键风格词语:

Chinese style, Chinese landscape painting, ink style, color, hand-painted, sketch, coloring, texture, --ar 6:9  -- v 5






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