

日本学刊 2024-02-05


目   录
  • 卷首语(杨伯江)

热点透析  维视角下的日本经济安

  • 战后日本经济外交路线的演变([日]大矢根聪)

  • 大国竞争与日本经济安全战略构建(孟晓旭)

  • 日本涉台新政策取向、内在动因及潜在影响——基于经济安全的视角(周生升)

  • 论日本经济安全战略对大学科研的冲击(崔 健 李诗悦)

  • 全国统一大市场的基础制度建设:日本的实践与启示(刘川菡 张季风)


  • Abstracts 

  • 日本語要旨 

摘   要01战后日本经济外交路线的演变

[日] 大矢根聪 李璇夏(译)


关 键 词:吉田路线 经济外交 日美同盟 经济安全困境 国际机制  






关 键 词:大国竞争 经济安全战略 战略自主 中美日关系作者简介:孟晓旭,中国社会科学院日本研究所研究员




周生内容提要:伴随国际权力格局剧变引发的大国博弈及新冠疫情对全球经济的冲击,经济安全成了日本维护本国主权和安全、竞逐国际影响力的重要议题。在此过程中,日本在经济安全领域加强涉及台湾地区政策的动向值得关注。一方面,日本在涉台政策中,聚焦以半导体为核心的数字技术产业领域,试图确保日本在该领域的竞争优势。另一方面,日本欲通过“共同价值观”将台湾地区纳入以美国为中心的“国际新秩序”,并配合美西方阵营对中国大陆的遏制战略。台湾问题不仅涉及中国国家主权、安全和发展利益,亦关乎国家完全统一和中华民族的伟大复兴,日本在台湾问题上的小动作不断甚至可谓冒进,不仅严重干扰中日关系及地区发展的大局,也对两岸统一的历史浪潮形成逆流冲击。但是,两岸关系主导权和主动权已牢牢掌握在中国大陆手中,日台勾连的收益将极为有限。关 键 词:经济安全 半导体 新兴技术 两岸关系 日台关系作者简介: 周生升,上海国际问题研究院外交政策研究所助理研究员。04


崔  健  李诗悦

内容提要:近年来逐渐形成的日本经济安全略提升了对技术力以及大学科研的定位。从军民两用技术来看,日本经济安全战略的目标实现与大学科研定位之间有着非常密切的关系,日本经济安全战略推动了政府对大学科研在军事安全保障研究以及科学技术外交上的政策变化。这种战略定位提升和相关政策变化必然会给基于军事安全保障研究传统认识的日本的大学科研造成冲击,日本的大学科研也因此做出相关反应。受各种因素影响,日本的大学在与防卫省的研究合作上表现得并不积极。但是,从调查结果来看,日本的大学非常关注和重视军事安全保障研究,对其认识和表现也呈现出一些变化。在经济安全战略冲击下,日本的大学科研所面临的外部制度问题和自我挑战也会更加突出,对当中蕴含的可能采取的对策进行分析,有助于把握日本的大学科研发展动向。关 键 词:经济安全战略 大学科研 军事安全保障研究 军民两用技术作者简介:崔健,吉林大学东北亚研究中心、东北亚研究院教授,博士生导师;李诗悦,吉林大学东北亚研究院世界经济专业博士研究生。05


刘川菡 张季风

内容提要:产权保护制度、市场准入制度、公平竞争制度和社会信用制度是构建全国统一大市场最重要的四大基础制度。经过战后70多年的发展,日本在有形产权和知识产权两个方面构建了产权保护制度体系,公私产权保护水平不断提升;经过民营化改革和规制改革,日本的市场准入门槛大幅降低,准入标准也渐趋一致,形成了统一的市场准入制度;通过反垄断政策与产业政策的协调发展,日本构建和完善了统一的公平竞争制度,形成了较为公平的市场环境;通过发展会员制同业协会为基础的征信模式,日本将各类金融机构掌握的个人信用信息纳入政府监管,构建了统一的社会信用制度。日本通过不断的基础制度建设促进了其国内统一大市场的形成与完善,取得了很好的成效,但也留下了对外开放不足、反垄断政策执行不彻底、内部举报制度流于形式等教训。结合日本的经验教训,中国应进一步完善产权保护制度、打破妨害市场准入的各种壁垒、提升反垄断政策在经济中的地位、完善社会信用制度,为更好地构建全国统一大市场完善制度建设。关 键 词:统一大市场 准入制度 产权保护 反垄断 信用制度作者简介:刘川菡,北京外国语大学日语学院(北京日本学研究中心)讲师、博士后;张季风,中国社会科学院日本研究所研究员,博士生导师。01

The Evolution of Japan's Economic Diplomacy in the Postwar Era

Oyane Satoshi

Abstract: The "Yoshida doctrine" is the origin of Japan's economic diplomacy. From the end of WWII to the 1960s, Japan joined the international economic system through the Japan-U.S. alliance. In addition, Japan also participated in bilateral and the multilateral international system. Those systems build the decisive framework for Japan's foreign economic relations, while playing an important complementary role in relations with China and Southeast Asian countries. From the 1970s to the 1980s, Japan relied on Japan-U.S. relations to implement self-control measures to cope with four economic crises and provided ODA to contribute to international and gain international legitimacy through international and regional cooperation mechanisms such as summits, GATT, and APEC. From the 1990s to the first decade of the 21st century, Japan explored beyond traditional economic diplomacy by supporting developing countries and protecting the global environment. Japan relied on the legitimacy of international mechanisms and norms to alleviate errors and conflicts in its foreign relations. Besides, Japan hoped to gain international recognition. Since 2010, faced with the increasingly declining domestic economy and the rise of powerful emerging economies, Japan has strengthened its dependence on the Japan-U.S. alliance from the perspective of containing China and joined countermeasures against economic security based on this foundation. The evolution of Japanese economic diplomacy is not only consistent but also shows unexpected changes.


Great Powers Competition and the Construction of Japan's Economic Security Strategy

Meng Xiaoxu 

Abstract: In the context of great power competition, Japan is strategically concerned about the "asymmetric dependence of economy", which violates economic laws. Therefore, Japan focuses on security and political logic to accelerate the construction of economic security strategy, and seeks "strategic self-discipline", "strategic indispensability" and "strategic dominance". Internally, Japan actively improves its strategic system, strengthens strategic management, enhances security capabilities and strengthens strategic support. On the international level, Japan based its strategy on democratic values with the guidance of "realism-based diplomacy", pursuing policies of "decoupling and chain breaking" in key areas with China and "friendly sharing" with Japan-U.S. cooperation as the foundation. Japan seeks to integrate American and European economic systems and market rules, expanding economic security cooperation with "democratic partners" and reshaping the liberal international economic security order. Japan's economic security strategy is to explore a new path of economic security under the "strategic independence" and pursue self-discipline, indispensability, and superiority of Japan's economy. However, it has obvious strategic defects and contains strong geopolitical competition and security strategic game intention, which will also lead to more intense competition among major countries at the regional level, posing more complex and severe challenges to regional development, security, and China-Japan relations, which requires more attention and research.03

New Trends, Motivations and Impact of Japan's Policy towards Taiwan: From Economic Security Perspective

Zhou Shengsheng

Abstract:With the great power game caused by the upheaval of new international power pattern and the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy, economic security has become an important issue for Japan to safeguard its sovereignty and security, and compete for international influence. In this process, it is worth paying attention to Japan's moves to strengthen its economic security guarantee involving Taiwan. On the one hand, Japan's policy towards Taiwan focuses on the digital technology industry with semiconductors as the core, in an attempt to ensure Japan's competitive advantage in this field. On the other hand, Japan attempts to integrate the Taiwan region into the new international order centered on the United States through "shared values" and cooperate with the containment strategy of Western countries against the Chinese mainland. The Taiwan issue not only concerns China's national sovereignty, security, and development interests, but also bears on the complete reunification of China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Japan's reckless actions on the Taiwan issue not only seriously interfere with the overall situation of China-Japan relations and regional development but also impose an adverse impact on the historical tide of cross-Strait reunification. However, the trend of cross-Strait relations has been firmly in the hands of the Chinese mainland, and the benefits of the connection between Japan and Taiwan will be extremely limited.04

The Impact of Japan's Economic Security Strategy on University ScientificResearch

Cui Jian and Li Shiyue

Abstract: The gradual formation of Japan's economic security strategy in recent years has enhanced the positioning of technology and university research. From the perspective of dual-use technology,there is a very close relationship between the realization of the goal of Japan's economic security strategy and the positioning of university research. Japan's economic security strategy promotes thegovernment's policy changes on university research in military security guarantee research and science and technology diplomacy. That upgrading of strategic positioning and related policy changes will inevitably have an impact on Japanese university scientific research based on the traditional understanding of military security research, and Japanese university scientific research will therefore make relevant responses. Due to various factors, Japanese universities are not active in cooperating with the Ministry of Defense in research. However, it can be seen from the survey that Japanese universities pay great attention to the study of military security, and their understanding and performance of it also show some changes. Under the impact of economic and security strategies, the external institutional problems and challenges faced by university research in Japan will become more prominent. The related analysis of possible countermeasures contained in them will contribute to understand the trend of the development of university research in Japan. 05

The Basic System Construction of a Unified National Market: Practice and Policy Implication from Japan

Liu Chuanhan and Zhang Jifeng

Abstract: The systems for property rights protection, market access, fair competition, and social credit are underpinning the construction of a unified national market. To take Japan as an example, it has built a property rights protection system for both tangible and intellectual property through over 70 years of development after WWII, which has continuously improved its ability to protect public and private property right; it has established a unified market access system after reforms of privatization and regulatory, which has significantly lowered the barriers and unified criterion for market access; it has constructed and refined a unified fair competition system and formed a relatively fairer market through the coordinated development of anti-monopoly and industrial policy; it has established a unified social credit system through developing a credit reporting model relying on membership-based guilds that incorporates personal credit information held by various financial institutions into government supervision. Japan has continuously enhanced its unified national market while establishing the basic system and has achieved good results. However, it still suffers from insufficient opening-up, incomplete implementation of anti-monopoly policies, and an ostensible internal whistle - blowing system. Given the lessons learned from Japan, it's time for China to further improve the property rights protection system, break down various barriers that hinder market access, enhance the status of anti-monopoly policies in the economy and refine the social credit system, so as to lay a solid institutional foundation for establishing a unified national market.01


[日] 大矢根 聡




孟 暁旭




周 生昇




崔 健 李 詩悦





劉 川菡 張 季風









