有景观界的奥斯卡之称的美国景观设计师协会American Society of Landscape Architects(ASLA)最新获奖名单终于揭晓了!
最新一期LAM杂志在9月刊中公布了ASLA Professional Awards 2023的获奖名单。435个参赛作品,共评选出地标类、综合设计类、交流类、研究类、分析与规划类、城市设计类、住宅设计类、共33个项目,以及IFLA 全球影响力大奖,其中三个项目被评为卓越奖。
在奖项揭晓后,很遗憾ASLA专业组并没有中国公司项目获奖,这是由于文化差异、国际影响力的差异还是参赛作品没有击中评委的关注点呢?那么就随小编一起去浏览一下此次ASLA大赛那些获奖作品吧!(更多项目详情由ASLA官网公布)Vista Hermosa Natura Park设计团队:Studio-MLA, Los Angeles业主:Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, Los Angeles UnifiecSchool District综合设计类 荣誉奖
University of Arizona Environment + Natural Resources Ⅱ
设计团队:Colwell Shelor Landscape Architecture, PhoenixGrand Junction Park and Plaza 设计团队:DAVID RUBIN Land Collective, Philadelphia业主:City of Westfield, IndianaHood Bike Park: Pollution-Purging Plants 设计团队:Offshoots,Inc, Charlestown, Massachusetts设计团队:James Corner Field Operations, New York City业主:Shenzhen Qianhai construction & Investment Holding Group co.,Ltd.06.将 20 世纪 70 年代的市中心公园改造成新的公共领域Remaking a 1970s Downtown Park into a New Public Realm 设计团队:OJB Landscape Architecture, Houston业主:The Metropolitan Entertainment & Convention AuthorityPeavey Plaza: Preserving History, Expanding Access 设计团队:Coen+Partners, MinneapolisThe Meadow at the Old Chicago Post Office 设计团队:Hoerr Schaudt,Chicago设计团队:Colwell Shelor Landscape Architecture, Phoenix业主:Scottsdale Community CollegeThe University of Texas at EI Paso Transformation 设计团队:Ten Eyck Landscape Architects,Inc., Austin, Texas业主:The University of Texas at EI Paso设计团队:Ron Henderson, FASLA LIRIO Landscape Architecture, Newport, Rhode Island业主:United States National Arboretum12.历史悠久的布鲁斯街学校:以社区为中心的设计方法The Historic Bruce Street School: A Community-Centered Design Approach 设计团队:Martin Rickles Studio, Atlanta业主:Arabia Mountain Heritage Area Alliance设计团队:The Cultural Landscape FoundationLos Angeles River Master Plan Update 业主:Los Angeles County Public WorksThe Cobble Bell: Research Through Geology-Inspired Coastal Management 设计团队:PROOF Projects, LLC, Charlottesville, Virginia业主:Great Lakes Protection FundReinvesting in a Legacy Landscape: The Franklin Park Action Plan 设计团队:Reed Hilderbrand LLC, Cambridge, Massachusetts业主:Boston Parks and Recreation Department分析与规划类 荣誉奖
The New Orleans Reforestation Plan: Equity in the Urban Forest 设计团队:Spackman Mossop Michaels, New Orleans业主:City of New Orleans, Saving Our Urban LandscapeReimagine Middle Branch Plan 设计团队:James Corner Field Operations, New York City业主:South Baltimore Gateway Partnership, City of BaltimoreJoe Louis Greenway Framework Plan 设计团队:SmithGroup, Ann Arbor, MichiganThe Chattahoochee RiverLands 设计团队:SCAPE, New York City业主:Trust for Public Land, Atlanta Regionacommission, City of Atlanta, Cobb County GovernmentNature, Culture + Justice: The Greenwood Park Master Plan 业主:Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton RougeLona Beach Regional Park and xwəyeyət/Lona lsland Wastewater Treatment Plant 设计团队:Space2place Design Inc., Vancouver, British ColumbiaNicks Creek Longleaf Reserve Conservation & Management Plan 设计团队:North Carolina State University Coastal Dynamics Design Lab, Raleigh, North Carolina业主:Pine Forest Management, LLC城市设计类 卓越奖
Heart of the City: Art and Equity in Process and Place 设计团队:Coen+Partners, Minneapolis业主:Destination Medical CenterSt. Pete Pier: Revitalization of Waterfront and Historic Pier Site 设计团队:Ken Smith Workshop, New York业主:City of St.Petersburg, Florida26.Town Branch Commons:肯塔基州列克星敦的城市变革Town Branch Commons: An Urban Transformation in Lexington, Kentucky 设计团队:SCAPE, New York City; Gresham Smith, Lexington, Kentuck业主:Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government27.PopCourts!一个小广场演变成一场运动PopCourts! A Small Plaza That Turned into a Movement 设计团队:The Lamar Johnson Collaborative, Chicago业主:Westside Health Authority住宅设计类 卓越奖
The Rain Gardens at 900 Block 设计团队:Gresham Smith, Nashville, Tennessee住宅设计类 荣誉奖
Black Fox Ranch: Extending the Legacy of the West to a New Generation 设计团队:Design Workshop, Inc, Aspen, ColoradoSister Lillian Murphy Community 设计团队:GLS Landscape|Architecture, San Francisco设计团队:Arterra Landscape Architects, San FranciscoCollected Works, Restored Land: Northeast Ohio Residence 设计团队:Reed Hilderbrand LLC, Cambridge, Massachusetts设计团队:Design Workshop,Inc., Aspen, ColoradoCano Martin Pena Comprehensive Infrastructure Master Plan 业主:Corporacin del Proyecto ENLACE del Cano Martin Pena
2023 IDEA x XIN 暑假竞赛营成果来袭!