
OCP EMEA区域峰会技术资料分享(Prague, Czech)

唐僧整理 企业存储技术

这次我分享的不是OCP全球峰会的资料,而是今年的2023 EMEA区域峰会,4月19-20日,在东欧美丽的历史文化名城——捷克共和国首都布拉格举办。


2023 OCP Regional Summit演讲资料网盘分享



官网来源  https://www.opencompute.org/events/past-events/2023-ocp-regional-summit(内含视频链接,qiang外的)



Welcome to the 2023 OCP Regional Summit

Empowering Open EMEA

Driving Change through Collaboration: Meta’s  Path to Net Zero Emissions

Will Open Source Fail?

Ethernet Fabric for High Performance  Computing and AI/ML workloads

Quantum Computing: What, Why, and What for

Practical Quantum Computing: Telecom Usecase

Sustainable Data Centers start with  Efficient Computing

AWS Taps OCP for Edge Computing

Sustainable Data Centers and our Opportunity  to Drive Net-Zero at Scale

Panel: Cross-Organizational Sustainability  Collaboration

Future Technologies Symposium

OCP FTS Kick off & Opening Keynote  "The AI Revolution is Upon Us: HPC Implications"

Quantum-accelerated Supercomputing

Putting the "work" in network:  In-network stream data analytics

Energy Efficient AI Hardware: neuromorphic  circuits and tools

Could Energy Aware Runtime (EAR) be the  European bet for AI/HPC Data Center energy optimization?

"Hot IT" a false economy? The true  impact of temperature and location on efficiency

Panel: Heat Reuse: Boiler Possibilities

Cloud infrastructure: It has to work, and it  has to be sustainable ... Surely this is not impossible!

Kickoff FTS Technology Demonstrations

FTS Technology Demonstrations

Executive Talks

How OCP Technology can help to deploy the  Edge and Core Cloud infrastructure

New Generation Offering - Bracing the OCP  Ecosystem

GIGA COMPUTING Technology: Spun-off for New  Generation

Directly Lower Carbon Emissions and get to  Net-Zero using Cloud Native Processing

The next generation of efficient compute for  Service Providers

Democratizing Networking

Let's put the Open back into Open System  Firmware

Murata Powering Open Compute Forward

Sustainable and Secure - It's EPYC

SONiC Workshop

How to go superSONiC with Your Network  Infrastructure!

DT Implementing SONiC Architecture within  Multi VRF Datacenters

Monitoring and Telemetry

Leveraging Silicon Enabled Observability  with Open Source Collector

Not again, something new? Getting started  with Open networking and SONiC

Gitops for Networking - Orchestration at  Scale

Increasing Network Reliability using Dual  TOR with Credo HiWire SWITCH AEC and Sonic

EW: Chiplets

扩展阅读:《多Die封装:Chiplet小芯片的研究报告》(Winnie Shao博士大作)

Chiplet Summit 会议资料分享

HiPChips Chiplet Workshop @ ISCA 2022会议资料

Building an Open Chiplet Economy

Chiplets for addressing Challenges and Use  cases for AI and ML applications

Seeding an Open Chiplet Ecosystem

A Chiplet Reference Platform Utilizing OCP  Bunch-of-Wires

Known Good Die (KGD) for Chiplet Based  Heterogenous Integration

A Chiplet based SmartNIC Platform using  Bunch-of-Wires

Revolutionizing Interconnect Performance and  Reliability Monitoring in a Chiplet based System-In-Package

Securing System-in-Packages with Physical  Unclonable Functions (PUF) Technology

EW: Deployments

Is it a waste of time to try to build an  efficient cloud?

OpenBMC port to RL300 a CSP/vendor  perspective

Open Networking Enables Deutsche Telekom to  Sail the Cloud Native Seas

Building a regional infrastructure as a  service (IaaS) Cloud using Open Compute Platforms

Open Process: digital resiliency in the age  of Splinternet

Most Sustainable OCP Modular Data Center  (MDC) in Denmark

EW: Edge(边缘)

Edge data center use case for 5G ORAN

Direct liquid cooling for Open Edge servers  - Viability study

Architecture options Cloud RAN vDU

3rd generation OpenEdge Server design

How Datacenters can be more Efficient

Simpler PTP: Optimized Precision Time  Protocol (PTP) for Datacenters

A SONiC-based Open Packet Broker for 5G  Monitoring

AT&T enables Large Scale SONiC  Deployment

End-2-End Open LAN Architecture

EW: Facility

Introduction to Modular Data Centers for OCP  Deployment & OCP Workstream

Densifying Modular Data Centers With Hybrid  Cooling

Modular Data Center Scope 3 Emissions Cross  Laminated Timber (CLT) vs Steel

Google Implementation of the Open Rack Frame  V3 Specification - Deep Rack

Meta Open Rack Frame V3 Specification

Efficiency Improvements and Other  Developments in ORv3 Power Solutions

EW: Hardware Management(硬件管理)

Data Center Secure Control Module (DC-SCM)  2.0 Compliance Testing with OpenBMC

PCI Express HW Fault Management (RAS)  Solution Implementation considerations in Meta's AI/ML Training Clusters

Industry SMBus to I3C Transition Readiness  Proven

OSF for Intel Xeon-SP at Your Fingertip

Empowering the Industry with Open System  Firmware

OCP - OSFCI @ scale - save our co-lo bills  (and the planet) !

EW: IT Ecosystem: Networking(网络)

Livin’ On The Edge of Open Networking

Scaling Remote direct memory access (RDMA)  networks for AI Training

Test tooling for 100% of SAI use cases

Extending SAI support to Linux Based  Ethernet Switch for Enterprise Networking

SONiC Lite: How to fit SONiC into a  "small" box

Toward SONiC-based Network Infrastructure:  Migration Best Practices

Is SONiC ready for enterprise environments?

Accelerating infrastructure with Data  Processing Units (DPU)

EW: IT Ecosystem: Server & Storage(服务器和存储)

Disentangling your data center with the  OpenFabrics Management Framework

The Next Evolution of Meta’s Compute Server  Platform with Crater Lake, Yosemite V3.5, and Open Rack V3

AI as one of your developers - ChatGPT3 vs  Datacenter NVMe® SSD requirements

An overview of CXL Memory expansion module  Error Handling (RAS) Solution Implementation for better reliability

Ampere® Altra® Family Mt. Bonnell -  Compelling Performance for a Carbon Neutral Future

Open Accelerator Infrastructure (OAI)  Workstream Update on 112Gbps Signal Integrity Assessment

High-speed IO Trends for Hyperscale:  Innovation Opportunities

Data Center Modular Hardware System (DC-MHS)  Overview & Update

EW: Security(安全)

Systemization of Knowledge: Attestation in  Confidential Computing

Secure System Design on Arm using Platform  Root of Trust (PRoT)

An Update on Caliptra

Platform Attestation via Redfish

OCP Standards for Third Party Security  Reviews of ROM and Firmware

OCP Flashless Boot Specification

EW: Sustainability: Cooling Environments(制冷环境)

Immersion Community Update

Immersion-Hurdles update

Immersion-Power Distribution

Immersion Fluid Specification

Immersion-Signal Integrity


Panel: Coolant Temperatures for Durable Data  Center Designs

Advanced Cooling Facilities Piping System  Guideline - Status Update

ACS Door HX Sub-Project Update

Compute and thermal performance of  repurposed OCP hardware from air to liquid

Latest revision of the Cold Plate Cooling  Loop Requirements

Loop Heat Pipe for Modular Data Centes

EW: Sustainability: Heat Reuse/Circular


Panel: Heat Reuse from an operator point of  view

OCP, energy, data centres and society: new  applications and metrics

Quantifying Data Center Scope 3 Carbon  Emissions

Sharpening Our Pencils on Carbon Measurement

Circular Economy for the Data Centre  Industry (CEDaCI) - dispelling myths about and accelerating a Circular  Economy for the Data Centre Industry

Redeploying Data Center Hardware to Mitigate  Hardware Scarcity

How OCP is Disaggregating Industry Structure  and Advancing Sustainability

Operating on Carbon Free Energy, 24/7


2022 OCP Global Summit会议资料分享

2021 OCP Global Summit会议资料下载分享

2019 OCP Global Summit会议资料下载 - Part 3

2019 OCP Global Summit会议资料下载 - Part 1

OCP 2018峰会资料下载:互联网数据中心硬件风向标







