
AI加速数据中心技术发展 - 2024 OCP EMEA Regional Summit 会议资料

唐僧整理 企业存储技术

去年的OCP EMEA区域峰会是在布拉格举办,今年在葡萄牙首都里斯本,都是好地方。

2024 OCP EMEA Regional Summit演讲资料网盘分享



官网来源  https://www.opencompute.org/events/past-events/2024-emea-regional-summit(内含视频链接,qiang外的)


2023 OCP Global Summit会议资料分享

2022 OCP Global Summit会议资料分享

2021 OCP Global Summit会议资料下载分享

2019 OCP Global Summit会议资料下载 - Part 3

2019 OCP Global Summit会议资料下载 - Part 1

OCP 2018峰会资料下载:互联网数据中心硬件风向标



2024 OCP EMEA  Regional Summit - All Keynotes

OCP Intro Video

Welcome to the  2024 OCP Regional Summit

Enabling Collaboration  for Innovation & Foundation Innovation Update

Cloud  Environmental Impact: OVHcloud’s Positioning and Solutions

Transforming the  Data Center - Scaling Computing Infrastructure Sustainably

Bringing AI  Everywhere - Presented by Intel

PANEL - The role  of startups and VC in the OCP Ecosystem

The EUPILOT:  Europe’s OCP-Based HPC and AI pre-exascale accelerator demonstrator

Stranded Capacity  in Data Centers is Costing the Earth

PANEL -  De-Mystifying European Sustainability Directives

Trusted Cloud:  Journey of Open Hardware Innovation - Presented by Microsoft

AI for All: Path  towards an open AI Infrastructure - Presented by Meta

Executive Session

AI adoption and  the challenges to develop and scale real world hardware - presented by Rittal  GmbH & Co. KG

Direct-to-Chip  Liquid Cooling AI Cluster Architectures Inspired by OCP Principles and  Technologies - presented by Supermicro

Enabling  Sustainability, Scalability and Security via Platform Firmware - presented by  AMI

Quantum Journey of  Open Hardware Innovation - Presented by Microsoft

Real-Life OCP  Deployments and Migrations - presented by Circle B

Scaling Systems  for Gen AI - presented by Intel

Future Technologies Symposium

Air or liquid  cooled servers – the right product for the right place!

Analog In-memory  computing with multilevel memristive devices for high performance computing

Breaking the  barrier, chip level cooling up to and beyond 1000W in single phase dielectric  fluid

Ceramic Nano  Memory enabling the AI Storage Dataverse

Chiplet-Based  Compressed LLC Cache & Memory Expansion

Delivering  Performant AI Solutions

Direct-to-chip,  Two-Phase Cooling Performance Metrics and PFAS Sustainability

FTS Announcement

FTS Wrap-up

Large Memory  Server Design Overview

Novel Power  Optimization Methods for AI/HPC Chips: Workload-Aware Adaptive Voltage  Scaling

OCP FTS Welcome  and Kickoff

Silicon Dreams:  Toward the AI Singularity


SONiC Workshop (hosted by Stordis)

Connectivity as  Software

Disaggregated  white box with community SONiC: barriers and solutions towards  deployment-readiness

Driving  Performance: Efficient Networking for AI Infrastructure

Migrating to SONiC  Fabrics: from Campus Networks to Telco Edge Solutions

Migration from  Cumulus to SONiC at metal-stack.io

Open Networking in  the Sovereign Cloud Stack Project

Pioneering Open  Networking with STORDIS: Harnessing Open Sources for SONiC, Monsoon, and  AI-Enhanced ORCA

Simple & Smart  Configuration using GIT for Mid-sized Companies

SONiC Bootcamp  Greetings and Introduction

SONiC Distribution  Freedom

SONiC is coming to  the Enterprise

The Final Link:  Wrapping Up and Looking Ahead with SONiC

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial  Intelligence (AI) Track Kickoff

Chiplets for  generative AI

CXL Solutions for  Key AI Problems

Harnessing the  Power of AI/ML to Enhance SAI Testing

NVIDIA Spectrum-X  Network Platform Architecture

Optcast:  Open-Source Aggregation Offloading for Distributed Deep Learning

Q&A:  Economically Viable System Architectures for AI

Q&A:  Networking for AI Workloads: Opportunities and Challenges

Scheduled Ethernet  Fabric for Large scale AI training cluster

The Case for  Computational Offload to CXL Memory Devices for AI Workloads

DC Sustainability

A Holistic  Approach to Carbon Modelling of Emission Scopes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Integrating BIM  in Decision Making for Start Campus’ Net Zero Mission

Accelerating the  Development and Implementation of Low-Carbon Concrete for Data Center  Construction

Addressing Carbon  Emission Quantification Challenges in Hardware Manufacturing and Datacenter  Operations

Challenges of live  environmental footprint reporting

DC Facility  Sustainability Project Status Updates

Efficiency 101:  Data Centers' Guide to the New European Regulations

Energy-Aware  Workload Orchestration on OCP Servers using Kubernetes

Enhancing  Telecommunications for the Future: Integrating Sustainability and Efficiency  into Central Offices

Increasing Energy  Efficiency of Server Cooling Over Traditional Methods with a Deep  Reinforcement Learning Agents running on an OCP Compliant BMC platforms

Leveling the  Playing Field: Industry Standard Benchmarks and OCP

Life Cycle  Assessment of the Open Rack 3, Steel vs. CLT models

Lifecycle analysis  on servers – going from servers to components to precious metals

Measuring Carbon  Emissions in Cloud Environments - An Introduction to the ECO:DIGIT project

Net Zero  Innovation Hub

OCP underground  hyperscalers enables compliance of Energy Efficiency Act

PANEL: iMason Climate  Accord & OCP: Carbon Disclosure Project Update

Participating in  an Open Hardware Ecosystem

Sustainability  Metrics - Infrastructure Utilization Efficiency (IUE) considerations

Telemetry enhanced  green coding – how detailed telemetry can contribute to sustainability goals

The creation of a  circular economy-based cloud service: New key takeaways and lessons learned


EMEA Deployments

A Practical Guide  to Disaggregated Networking: IP Infusion, Madeo and Prosoluce Present the  Keys to Success

Automating the  Migration Journey to Open-Standards Networks

Building a  sustainable management infrastructure with open source firmware

Coherent Optics :  Why they don't just work in my switch

Empowering Cloud  Sovereignty: Building a Resilient Open Cloud Ecosystem in Germany

How alternative  materials can address industry challenges? The Universal Quick Disconnects  case in liquid cooling.

How Innovative  Open Networking helps improve day to day business in a Large Public  University

OCP Ready™ for  Hyperscale v2: Aligning the Industry on data center requirements for  hyperscaler deployments

Scaling Down While  Scaling Up – Design Choices That Increase Efficiency & Performance

Steve Helvie (VP  of Emerging Markets for OCP) - How Europe is viewing the OCP Marketplace

Power and Cooling

Adopting Best  Practices: Warranty Guidelines for Immersion Cooled Computing

CE Cold Plate  Subproject Overview

Cooling  Environments Project Overview & Roadmap for a Durable Chip Coolant  Temperature

DC-Power: Using  medium voltage DC grids to reduce data center losses

Dielectric Cold  Plate based Modular Data Center

Door Heat  Exchanger Requirements for Open Rack

Heat reuse  subproject - Policies + Economics Workstreams + Reference designs

Integrating Power  Delivery in Immersion Tanks: Challenges and Opportunities

Integrating  Standards and Economics: Shaping the Future of Immersion Cooling

Liquid Cooling  Bazaar

Navigating the  Evolution and Challenges of OCP Immersion Cooling

Novel Hybrid  Immersion Liquid Cooling Technique for Data Center

OCP Modular Data  Center Working Group Update

OCP Orv3 Blind  Mate Liquid Cooling Overview and Updates

Optimizing Signal  Integrity in Immersion-Cooled IT Platforms

ORv3 High Power  Rack (HPR) Ecosystem Solution

Panel:  Past-Present-Future of heat reuse

Requirements/Considerations  of Next Generation ORv3 PSU and Power Shelves

Safe Handling  Guidelines for Immersion Fluids

Single phase  immersion cooling developments – Research Institutes of Sweden OCP Experience  Center working with Castrol

Sustainable  Innovations in Immersion Cooling: Fluids, Materials, and Lifecycle Management


Security and Data Protection

Adam’s Bridge  Accelerator

Attested TLS and  formalization

Empowering  Firmware Security: The Indispensable Role of SBOM for End Users

OCP Flashless Boot  Update


OCP S.A.F.E.  Update

Project Caliptra  Update

Providing  certifiable secure hardware subsystems with anti-tamper mechanisms

Recent and  Upcoming Security Trends in Cloud Low-level Hardware Devices: A Survey

Recovery from  firmware vulnerabilities in TPM

Sustainable Scalable Computational Infrastructure

Assured PNT for  Data Centers, All you need to know

Chiplet based  Reconfigurable OCP Accelerator Module (OAM) architecture and platform

Data Center Life  Cycle Manageability @ Scale

Data Center  Modular Hardware System Specification (DC-MHS) the overview

DC-MHS Modular  Shared Infrastructure (M-SIF)

Hardening GNSS  Time - A Method to Counter Spoofing Attacks

Leveraging OCP to  Create a Purpose Built ARM Processor

OCP Composable  Memory Systems (CMS) Sub-Project progress update and plans

OpenLAN  cloud-managed Switches running open-source SONiC

PCIe Add-In-Cards  (CXL, NIC) Out-Of-Band manageability in Data Centers

PCIe Express  corrected errors handling (RAS) solution implementation considerations in  Meta's AI/ML Training Clusters

Power at all  costs?

Progress towards  an Open & Sustainable, Energy Centric Computing Architecture for today’s  AI & HPC Applications

Sensor Discovery  and Manageability for Pluggable DC-MHS Designs

Streamlining CXL  Adoption for Hyperscale Efficiency

Why chiplet will  transform the semiconductor ecosystem from design to packaging?

注意:图中的OAM CMM是CXL内存模块哦。

Special Focus: OpenRAN

5G Open RAN and  Edge Deployments in Europe

5G Open RAN  ecosystem in India

Building the  OpenRAN edge cloud with open hardware including open radio

CapGemini view of  OpenRAN and potential for an Open Radio Platform

ETSI Activities  Supporting OpenRAN and Open Radio Platform

i14Y role in  OpenRAN and potential for an Open Radio Platform

Manufacturing  Carrier Grade Radios

OCP Evenstar  Project Update

OpenRAN Challenges  and Opportunities for NOS

OpenRAN Market  Overview and Strategies

Panel: Breaking  Down Barriers to OpenRAN

Special Focus: Optics for AI Clusters

Advancements in  Linear Drive Pluggable Optics for High-Speed Data Interconnects

Augmented Silicon  Photonics for Data Center and AI/ML optical interconnects

Chip-scale Laser  Combs for Connectivity of AI Custers

Coherent Optics  for Artificial Intelligence

Market Overview

Optical CXL for  disaggregated compute architectures

Optics in AI  Clusters - Meta Perspective

PANEL: The  evolving role of optics in AI Clusters

Re-configurable  Photonic Interconnects for AI/ML Infrastructure

Technology Case  Study

Wrap Up Comments

Special Focus: Quantum

A Blueprint for  Quantum Networking

Emerging Quantum  Standards

Practicality of  Deploying and Managing Quantum Networks

Quantum Computers  & Simulators in HPC Centres

Quantum Computing  for Life Science Simulations and Optimizations

Quantum  Empowerment: Navigating the Quantum Revolution for Businesses

Quantum Error  Correction

Quantum Technology  Overview (Computing and Communications)

Scaling the  Quantum Computer

Self-certification  for entropy generation

The Bridge  Accelerator








