「洁癖」、「 强迫症」 How do you say that in English?? The answer is simple, only 3 letters long: O.C.D. ↓↓↓
OCD (n.)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
obsessive-compulsive (adj.)
Definition: someone who is obsessive-compulsive tends to repeat particular actions in a way that is not necessary, because they have strong anxious feelings.
Oi man, you've got OCD.
The intro
(Listening Comprehension)
We all know someone who has 洁癖, or 强迫症. So how do you tell him that? In English, it's fairly simple. You could say,"Oi man, you've got OCD!" "OCD" stands for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. People simplify this term into OCD. I have OCD as well. I constantly need to wash my hands with soap.
Out of this world 原来是这个意思呀!? 【美音】