

Mr.Wong 全球首播 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

in return(for sth)


He is always helping people without expecting anything in return.


We offer an excellent all-round education to our students. In return, we expect students to work hard.


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Ladies and gentlemen, "Mr.Wong Audio Books" presents.....a Chang'e(嫦娥) story, narrated(叙述、讲述、旁白) by Mr.Wong. Before we start, just letting you know that this might not be 100% accurate, because there are many versions of this story floating around, so I just took all the good stuff and put it all together to give you the best Chang'e story you've ever heard. That's right, so buckle your seat belts because this is gonna be one hell of a ride....I hope.. OK, let's go!

Once upon a time, there was a dude named HouYi(后羿). This guy was strong, fearless, handsome, not as handsome as Mr.Wong but you get the point. Yeah, he wasn't afraid of anything. So one day the world had gotten so damn hot, the crops and wells all went dry. Everyone was like, "Oh no, I'm gonna die, I'm so dehydrated(脱水) man!" This was due to the 10 suns in the sky!!! I mean 1 sun is hot enough, imagine 10! Damn, now that's HOT. Ok, just when they were about to lose hope, one man named HouYi stepped up and said, "I'm not afraid of the sun, as a matter a fact, I will shoot the suns with my bow and arrow!" So he went to the mountains, drew his bow and pew pew pew pew pew pew all 9 suns dropped out of the solar system(太阳系) leaving only one, and the world was saved by HouYi. 

HouYi then married this gorgeous, stunning, beautiful hot chick(俚语:妞) named Chang'e, cause who wouldn't right? I mean I would. Anyways, one day he decided to go hiking, he went to this mountain called Kun Lun Shan(昆仑山) ,and met this goddess named Wang Mu Niang Niang(王母娘娘) which is translated to "Queen Mother of the West" in English. So Wang Mu Niang Niang gave HouYi a rusted old bottle and said, "This is the legendary immortality herb, once consumed, you will become immortal for the rest of your life, do you know what I mean?" HouYi was like, "Awwww yeah! Yeah, I know what you mean! You sure know how to hook me up(俚语:帮助某人获得某物)! Gratitude once again!"

HouYi took the goodies(俚语:好东西) home and decided to give it to his wife Chang'e as a gift. She hid the bottle somewhere in the house. Little did she know, there was one pervert peeping at her through the window, his name was PengMeng(蓬蒙). Now this guy was always up to no good, always jacking(俚语:偷) people's stuff, lying to people and whatnot. To make things worse, he was a grade A pervert, and he saw what Chang'e was hiding.

A couple days had passed, while HouYi was out hunting, PengMeng thought it was the perfect time to bust in his house. So he broke in the house and saw Chang'e. He threatened Chang'e to hand over the herbs. Chang'e was like, "Awww hell naw, I ain't giving you nothing, you little pervert!" Then she opened up the bottle and drank the herbs. A few moments later,...she started levitating(因魔法而浮在空中) in the air, then she flew out the window and up to the sky……

Her love for HouYi was so and she couldn't bare leaving him, so she chose to stay on the Moon which is the closest planet to Earth and became a goddess. Upon hearing what happened to his wife, HouYi was so sad and grieved that he shouted Chang'e’s name to the sky. He was amazed to see a figure which looked just like his wife appeared on the Moon. He gathered all the food that Chang'e liked to an altar(祭坛) and burned some incense(香) offering it to her. After hearing that Chang'e became a goddess, everyone started doing the same and also prayed for peace and good luck. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you pray to the Moon on that day. You're paying your respects and offering food to Chang'e in return for peace and good luck, the end. So what do you guys think about the story, it's pretty good huh? Alright, let's talk about the phrase of the day which is "in return", check it out!





Mr.Wong 讲一个很玄的故事!

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Mr.Wong 讲「端午节」故事!

Mr.Wong 讲「母亲节」故事!

Mr.Wong 讲「父亲节」故事!

Olivia 陪你过中秋!



