

Mr.Wong 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

didn't see that coming


Mr. Wong was shocked because he didn't see that coming.

Mr.Wong 很惊讶因为他怎样都没想到会这样。

Olivia won the lottery, I bet she didn't see that coming.


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey! What's up everybody? It's Mr.Wong here. I hope you're doing well. Let's start off with a short joke, here we go: Two men are stranded on a deserted island. One despairs, but the other one pats him assuredly on the back and says, “Don’t worry my friend, they will definitely find us soon!!!” “Really? Why do you think so?” “Well....that's because I owe the IRS(美国国内税务局) five years’ worth of taxes.”

Alright, here's another one: A priest falls into the water and soon starts to drown. But his faith in God is strong and he knows God will save him. A small boat rows to him and offers help. “No! God will help me, so no, thank you!” says the priest and continues drowning. A few minutes later, a bigger boat comes by and tries to get the man out of the water. “No!” fights the priest. “God alone will save me! So no, thank you!” The boat leaves and the priest finally drowns.

In heaven, he feels quite betrayed and goes to ask God, "Why didn't you save me???" “Well, you moron,” thunders the Lord, “and who do you think sent all those ships you little twat?!” Alright alright, let's talk about the phrase of the day which is "Didn't see that coming," let's check it out!





Get the hang of it 是什么意思呀?

lackluster 是什么意思呀?(高分词汇)

jeopardize 是什么意思呀?(高分词汇)



