

English88 Steven 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

from your mouth to God's ear(s)


from your lips to God's ear(s)

Definition: When you say this to someone, it means that you hope what they are saying will come true. 

借你吉言、承你贵言(广东话 - 粤港澳)

A: Wow! Steven, it's AWESOME! Your rap video is gonna go viral. 

B: Aww…thanks! From your mouth to God's ear. 

A: 哇!小光头Steven,超赞耶!你这个rap 的视频会爆红的!

B: 谢谢,谢谢,thank you, thank you, thank you very much,借你吉言!借你吉言!From your mouth to the God's ear. 

A: Hey Steven, your investments are going to return 400%.

B: From your mouth to God's ear.  

A: Steven,你的投资将会有百分之400的回报噢。

B: 借你吉言!借你吉言!

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Gooooood morning, guys and gals, this is Mr. Wong speaking. What a wonderful Wednesday morning we have and uh…I wanna uh …um… I am Mr Wong, yes I am. No, I am not Mr. Wong. Um…but…but Mr. Wong says "hi." Hello Mr. Wong, yeah yeah. Uh…my name is Steven. Hey there, guys and gals. I wanna talk to you about something today. And today I wanna talk to you about 「借你吉言」which in English, it means…umm… As a matter of fact, there is an English saying which means exactly the same as 「借你吉言」 let's take a look at this example, OK, so here is the first one: 

YES! We say "from your mouth to God's ear"  or "from your lips to God's ear." You express the same meaning in English. When you say this to someone, it means that you hope what they are saying will come true. Alright, let's practice once again, here we go: 

Okay, now this is a sensitive topic, so I'm not gonna talk about more than I should. But let's just say this, when someone says something that you feel it's really really nice and productive and it's something that you would like to happen, you would say, for example, "from your mouth I would like your words to carry on and make it happen for me, make it beneficial, make it …so this will be my reality." So, you can…it  actually refers to, "from your mouth to my reality," you can say that as well, and I would definitely understand. Okay, so there we go, let's make a little sentence: "From your mouth to my reality." or "I hope your words become my reality." It's usually followed by a "thank you." For example, "From your mouth to my reality, and thank you for saying so."

Okay, everyone, I hope you enjoy today. This is Steven from…this is…No! This is Mr. Wong? Am I Steven? I forgot! Anyways, I love you very much! I want you to click on the "like". I want you to leave your comments, because this is a very important thing! You could …you have to leave a comment, please…!!! Anyways, haha, leave a comment, subscribe to this channel, subscribe to all the channels that you see here today, including mine, yeah! Um…have a nice day and see you tomorrow, bye bye! 

↓↓↓小光头Steven 倾情演出↓↓↓

↑↑↑小光头Steven 倾情演出↑↑↑



Go viral 是什么意思呀?(高分词组)

Without further ado 是什么意思呀?(口语必杀技)

高分词汇 undermine


Whereas 这个单词很多同学都不会用耶!


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