

Ken 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

Imagine yourself as a driving instructor, which do you think is the phrase that you would be saying everyday? I think it’s going to be: 你慢慢就会掌握得到... The “掌握” meaning can be perfectly expressed by the expression "get the hang of something." ↓ ↓ ↓

get the hang of something 

Definition: To learn how to do something or use something.


Once you've got the hang of it, it will become easier.


It seems difficult at first, but you'll soon get the hang of it.


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

When you're learning how to drive, when you're training for you new job, or when it's your first time using your new iPhone, people would often say to you, "你慢慢就会掌握得到。" In English, one of the ways to express "掌握" is: "Once you've got the hang of it, it will become easier." This is what my driving instructor told me when I first stepped into the car…Obviously, I still haven't got the hang of it yet.

You could of course use the word “understand” in situations like this. It’s just “once you have got the hang of it” is a more suitable expression. The word “understand” is more applicable for an idea. While “once you have got the hang of it” is for technical stuff e.g. learning how to: drive, bicycle, use a new computer programme, etc. 



更多 get the hang of something 的例句 (美音)


Cut me some slack 是什么意思呀?(美音)

Fake it till you make it 是什么意思呀?(美音)

Doesn't add up 原来是这个意思啊!?(美音)

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