
Give credit where credit is due 是什么意思呀?

English88 Steven 英文口语专家 2020-11-23


give credit where credit is due 

Definition: Used to say that someone deserves to be praised for the good things they have done. 


A: That was a wonderful meal. 

B: I must give credit where credit is due; my wife helped with all of the cooking. 

A: 真是很丰富的一顿呀。

B: 要表扬一下我老婆,所有饭菜她都有帮忙弄的。

A: Roger is pompous, petty, and immature. I think he's completely worthless. 

B: Give credit where credit is due, he's also extremely smart. 

A: Roger 这个人 - 自大,小气,又不成熟,完全没有可取之处。

B: 可是我们不得不承认他人确实很聪明呀。

A: In British pronunciation they say "beTTer", but in American pronunciation they say "better".

B: Hey, your English pronunciation has really improved. 

A: Well, it's thanks to you, Steven. 

Steven: Aww…a little maybe, but let's give credit where credit is due - you worked hard. 

A: 在「英式发音」中,他们发 "beTTer",可是在「美式发音」中,他们发 "better"

B: 哇!你的英语发音果然有进步噢!

A: 都是多亏了你,Steven 。

Steven: 噢,我也许有帮上一点点忙吧,其实最值得表扬的人是你自己,这都是你自己努力的成果。

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Gooooood morning China, goooood morning guys and gals. What a beautiful Wednesday morning. Today, 算你走运! I'm gonna share a very useful expression with you guys so listen carefully, are you ready? The expression is: Ahem…"give credit where credit is due","give credit where credit is due". Wow, sounds complicated, huh? No, it's not. So first of all, we need to understand "to give credit". "To give credit" means approval or praise that you give to someone for something they have done. The expression "give credit where credit is due" is used to say that someone deserves to be praised for the good things they have done. Alright, let's take a look at our first example then you will get the idea, here we go: 

Alright, hahaha… let's do that one more time. 

Okay, here is another example: 

Okay, guys and gals, that's all for today. This is Steven and…I wish you…I wish you would click this post, I wish you would share with your friends, I wish, I wish, I wish you click "like" and share…

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Didn't see that coming ! 原来是这个意思啊!?



Bucket list 是什么意思呀?(高分词组)


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