jump the gun
1. To start doing something too soon, especially without thinking about it carefully.
1. (没有认真考虑)过早采取行动、操之过急
2. Get mad at someone too early.
2. 在没有弄清楚情况之前就乱发脾气
Hey, don't jump the gun! Listen to what he has to say before you make a decision.
They've just met - isn't it jumping the gun to be talking about marriage already?
他们刚认识耶 - 现在就谈婚论嫁是不是为时尚早呀?
A: You know what happened to Jeremy?
A: 你知道 Jeremy 发生什么事了吗?
B: Yes, how did he do in his job interview?
B: 嗯嗯,他的面试怎么样了?
A: He was so sure that he would get the job and he quit his old job. Unfortunately, he really jumped the gun. He just found out yesterday that he didn't get the job after all.
A: 他对面试胸有成竹,所以把原来的工作辞掉了,可惜,他真的太操之过急了,他昨天才发现他并没有被录用。
Hey! Don't jump the gun. What's up?
He shouted at me before I had time to explain, but later he apologized for jumping the gun.
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