
【口语必杀技】Guilty as charged !

MrWongOlivia 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

guilty as charged


1. Having committed the crime one is accused of committing.

1. 罪名成立;承认罪行

2. Used humorously to mean: I am, I did, I did it etc.

2. 是的,没错;我干的;对的,就是我

A: Who ate the apple pie?

B: Guilty as charged.

A: 谁吃了那苹果派?

B: 我吃的。

A: What's that smell? Who farted?

B: Guilty as charged.

A: 那是什么味道?谁放屁了?

B: 我放的。

A: Are you Mr.Wong?

B: Guilty as charged.

A: 你是 Mr.Wong 吗?

B: 没错,在下正是。

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Judge: Order, order!

Judge: Order in the court!

Judge: Ahem….Court is now in session, you may begin.

Prosecutor: Thank you, Your Honor. I would like to summon Mr.Wong to the stand.

Court guy: Mr.Wong please raise your right hand. Now do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? So help you God.

Wong: I do

Court guy: Have a seat, son.

Prosecutor: Now Mr.Wong, I heard you stole someone's ice cream and ate it. Is that correct?

Wong: Uhhh...yes.

Prosecutor: Well....why did you eat it?

Wong: Uhhh…because I was hungry, and that ice cream looked delicious!Judge: Very well! Mr.Wong you are now charged with stealing, fraud and burglary. Do you have anything to say?

Wong: WHAT??!?!?!?!?

Judge: Now with you admitting what you did and all the evidence gathered, you are guilty as charged! Get the hell out of my court office!

Alright, just kidding guys, but speaking of the phrase "guilty as charged", that's gonna be our phrase of the day, let's check it out!





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