
【口语必杀技】"Duh !" 是什么意思啊?

MrWongOlivia 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

duh !(exclamation)

UK  /dʌ/ US  /dʌ/

Definition: Used to show that you think a person or statement is stupid, or that something is obvious. 

废话!/ 这还用问吗? / 这还用说吗?

A: He must be tired from working all night.

B: Duh!

A: 他整夜都在工作应该很累了。

B: 这还用问!

A: I think Mr.Wong is the ugliest person I've seen in my life.

B: Duh! We all know that!

A: 我觉得王先生是我一生中见过最丑的人。

B: 废话!我们都知道呀!

The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey, what's up everybody? This is Mr.Wong speaking. And hey, it's your favorite day of the week! Monday! Haha, just kidding! Duh, of course you guys hate Mondays, but if it makes you feel any better, think of it this way...Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday then it's Friday again! Only four days to go! See? It ain't so bad! Alright, so today's word of the day is...."DUH", let's check it out!





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