
【口语必杀技】It's a breeze !

MrWongOlivia 英文口语专家 2020-11-23

be a breeze

UK  /briːz/ US  /briːz/

Definition: To be very easy.


Don't think that learning Chinese will be a breeze.


Eating six bowls of Malatang is a breeze for Mr.Wong.

要吃完六碗麻辣烫对于 Mr.Wong 来说是小事一桩。


The intro 

(Listening Comprehension)

Hey, what's up folks? It's Mr.Wong speaking. Before we talk about the word of the day, let's go back, way back, back when I was a kid. I admit I wasn't the brightest in the pack(一群人;在我们当中;在我们的圈子里), but from where I went to school, I was always top 3. Well, ain't that something? Haha, my parents were worried because top 3 in the ghetto(贫民区) is just not gonna cut it for them.(对父母亲来说并不足够) So they decided I needed a tutor on the weekends. Now keep in mind that I didn't speak Chinese at all when I was a kid, but my parents only knew Chinese so they hired a Chinese tutor.

Boy(感叹词), let me tell ya, I had no idea what he was talking about half of the time. So they forced me to learn Chinese. I thought learning Chinese would be a breeze but I was wrong. I remember the first phrase he taught me was "秋风吹,我是海外的中国人!". It may sound easy to you guys, but it took me 3 days to get that phrase right. And speaking of the word "breeze", that's gonna be our word of the day, let's check it out!

更多关于 boy 作为感叹词 的用法 ← 请点击这里



not cut it (informal)(spoken)



Pig out 是什么意思呀?(口语必杀技)




Knock yourself out ! 竟然是这个意思!?




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