
冀教版版六年级下册英语U4 Lesson 24 Danny's Surprise Cake微课视频 | MP3朗读

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃六年级资源 2021-08-08




Story time


Danny gets up early in the morning. Today is the last day of school. His class is going to have a party. He is going to make a cake.


---What do I need? I think I remember.


When the cake is cool, he makes a special picture on it. Danny takes his cake to school. He walks slowly because the cake is heavy.




In the afternoon, the class party begins. Mr. Wood brings some ice cream. Jenny brings some cookies. Every cookie looks like a student in the class.


Danny’s cake is special, too. “It looks great, Danny!” says Jenny. “Thanks!It’s a surprise cake, ” says Danny.


  ---What’s the surprise?


  ---You will see!


Everyone has a cookie, a piece of cake and some ice cream. Then a girl says, “Danny, I think you forgot something.” Oh, no! The cake isn’t good! Danny forgot the sugar!

(每个人都有一块饼干,一块蛋糕和一些冰淇淋。然后一个女孩说,“丹尼,我认为你忘了什么东西。” 哦,不!蛋糕不好吃!丹尼忘了放糖。)

---Is that the surprise?




Soon everyone has a dollar. Every piece of cake has a dollar in it!


  ---Look! I found a dollar in my cake!


  ---Me, too!


“That’s the surprise!” says Danny.


“Thanks, Danny! This cake is the best!” everyone says.


Mr. Wood gets a box and puts a piece of surprise cake in it. Then he writes Li Ming’s address on the box.


  ---Let’s send Li Ming a piece of cake!


A week later, Li Ming gets a box from Canada. Inside, he finds a piece of very old, very dry cake! There is a letter, too. Li Ming looks inside the cake.


Dear Li Ming,

This is a piece of surprise cake. It has two surprises. It isn’t good to eat. That’s the first surprise. Danny made it and he forgot the sugar. The second surprise is inside the cake!

We miss you!

From Mr. Wood and your friends in Canada.





--- Thanks, Danny!



