设计业常常说自己是 “前瞻性思考”的;然而,作为黄金海岸2018英联邦运动会欢庆盛典的组成部分,由普利斯设计集团设计的冲浪者天堂海滩被推上了国际性的舞台。这是对该项目设计的终极测试。
普利斯设计集团董事Andrew Comer是冲浪者天堂海滩项目的设计总监;也是他向黄金海岸市议会提议了该项目的设计——就是今天所呈现的冲浪者天堂海滩。
Commonwealth Games puts forward-thinking design to the ultimate test
The design industry often claim they are “forward-thinking”, but Place Design Group’s Surfers Paradise Foreshore design was put to the ultimate test being put on an international stage as part of the Festival 2018 celebrations during the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.
Andrew Comer, Principal, Place Design Group was the Design Lead on the Surfers Paradise Foreshore project, and proactively pitched to City of Gold Coast Council the design that you now experience today.
“It was a collaborative process with a multitude of stake holders including local council, various levels of government and a diverse group of businesses to ensure quality delivery of this extremely important urban revitalisation project for this iconic Gold Coast beach front.” Mr Comer says.
“Back in 2006 we had no idea the Gold Coast would host the Commonwealth Games, but our approach to design is always people-centric and forward-thinking, and this design has been put to the ultimate test and has more than stood up to the challenge playing host to the Festival 2018 activities.” Mr Comer says.
Photographed and enjoyed by audiences in the thousands during the Commonwealth Games, the Festival 2018 activation along the Surfers Paradise Foreshore was the place to be for headlining live entertainment. The 12-day activation started at the Main Stage located in front of the iconic Surfers Paradise sign, continuing right along the beach front with many international musicians, free performances, pop-up activities, public art and other family-friendly events.
“The design itself leverages the notable character of an area that is unique to the destination. The design principles and best practice approach Place Design Group implemented, envisaged huge numbers of users and increased carrying capacity of an intensely urbanised beachside tourist location.”
“We’re so proud to see the vision, the images and the social content shared from Festival 2018 on the Surfers Paradise Foreshore, knowing the design-thinking behind ensuring this could come to life in this space.” Mr Comer says.
With teams across Australia, China, and South-East Asia, Place Design Group is an award-winning leader in planning and design with a reputation for creative and commercial solutions.
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