

普利斯设计集团 普利斯设计集团placedesigngroup 2021-02-03


Designed by Place Design Group Shenzhen Office

深圳辉盛阁国际公寓位于有 “中国硅谷”之称的华强北CBD,毗邻绿意缭绕的深圳中心公园,坐拥别致的南国园林景观。

Located in Huaqiangbei CBD, so called China’s Silicon Valley, Fraser Suites Shenzhen is adjacent to Shenzhen Central Park, embracing the great view of unique southland landscape.  


As part of a larger inner-city rejuvenation, the project is a refurbishment of an existing older hotel building. Similar to other revitalization projects, the established structure can be challenging for landscape designers who need to balance the new demands with actual feasibility. 


Facing these challenges, the designers focused on the retention of the existing high value mature trees, as well as the re-use and the redevelopment of existing buildings if the condition permits. 


This is a good principle as it, from an environmental viewpoint, greatly saved carbon by retaining the existing core structure and vegetation. It also allows the revitalization to happen quicker, which in turn, saves time and money. 



The external works at ground level integrate the hotel into the wider urban revitalization scheme. However, the designers injected the building with its own presence and identity, fulfilling the design idea of ‘harmony but not uniformity’. 


The well-defined signage of Fraser Suites guides pedestrians and vehicles into the hotel area. Generally speaking, downtown hotels have little frontal space, raising the importance of the division and positioning of streamlines and entrance spaces. Even at the peak times, the circulation areas of this hotel can still accommodate the arrival of customers. 


After consulting with architects and engineers, the landscape designers identified the areas that had capabilities for higher loadings and trees planting, that is L7 courtyard and rooftop space. The designers devoted all efforts in creating a small but exquisite private landscape and made it as this project’s key design goal. 


From above, all the landscape pieces are in full view and complement each other, whether it’s the courtyard on level 7 or the open-air swimming pool and Ding Sky Bar on the roof. 


The courtyard is closed on all sides but open to the sky, with a closed space form and open space atmosphere.


The patio-style court allows visitors to enjoy the sunshine whilst sitting indoors.

设计师在中庭中精心打造了各种形态的休憩区以及餐饮区,包括了带顶棚的自助吧台及独立用餐区域、遮阳伞下餐桌、户外休憩木平台、简餐高吧台等等,总共可容纳72人,既满足了客人多样化的休闲需求, 也充分考虑了酒店餐饮服务的功能需求。

The designers carefully crafted a variety of resting and dining areas in the court, including a buffet counter, dining cabana covered roof, banquette seating beneath umbrellas, outdoor lounge deck, and bench & stool “Quick Bite”, accommodating 72 people in total. It not only meets the diversified leisure needs of guests, but also fully considers the functional needs of the hotel's catering service. 


The L7 courtyard is connected to the roof garden by a dramatic linear green wall treatment running vertically as part of the cladding to the internal walls. The introduction of vertical greening softens the excessively flat interface around and increases the artistic effect of the building. It presents the artistic conception under the pen of a French poet Paul Eluard ‘feel the cool breeze from the jungle in a city made by steel and concrete’. 


The water features are elevated to enhance the elegant reflective effect and are used to create a variety of court spaces. Together with the dense green vegetation, the waterscape creates an indoor oasis in the downtown area, effectively mitigating the contrast between ‘cement + glass’, feature of the modern architecture, and nature. 


The courtyard forms layered space with pools and flower ponds of different levels. 


The rooftop space is another project highlight. Located in the core area of the roof, the open-air swimming pool, 31 meters long and 6 meters wide, faces the Shenzhen Central Park and offers spectacular views across city. This is how landscape and architecture complement and merge to create a unique and extraordinary experience. 


At first glance, the pool seems to float in the air above the city, becoming a great viewing area. People who swim there can enjoy the lush greenery of the entire park and see the city scenery as well.


The designers set up sun loungers and outdoor umbrellas around the pool to provide swimmers with a place to rest. Here they can also prepare for swimming and relax their muscles afterwards.

若客人对游泳的兴致不大,也可以去不远处的空中酒吧小酌一杯,拿起一杯龙舌兰,和三五好友一起谈天说地。日落之后,独享“无尽夜空当屋顶,繁华霓虹作布景” 的惬意生活。

If the guests are not that interested in swimming, they are free to have a drink at the nearby Dining Sky Bar, chatting with their friends. After sunset, they can enjoy the lively atmosphere under the night sky and surrounded by busting neon. 


Aristotele once said that ‘the state comes into existence, originating in the bare needs of life, and continuing in existence for the sake of a good life’. In modern metropolis, we need a retreat for spiritual rest, encouraging us to slow down the pace of life and experience the good things in life.


Project: Fraser Suites Shenzhen


Client: AVIC Real Estate


Location: Shenzhen China 


Photography: LAB Photography


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