11月中文班确认开课 | CSCP供应链管理专业人专业资格认证
超过24,000 人参加了CSCP认证考试
全球近 15,000 名考生荣获了CSCP称号
■ 从事运营管理和供应链管理的职业人
■ 运营管理和供应链管理相关的咨询顾问
■ 企业资源管理—ERP系统的开发,销售和实施顾问
■ 希望在运营管理和供应链管理领域拓展职业的有志之士
■ 了解成功的供应链管理为企业创造的价值
■ 学习如何创建与公司战略一致的供应链策略
■ 深入了解供应链管理活动的设计、计划、执行,控制及监测
■ 评估全球化物流中的制约因素和关键决策,建立与总体战略相符的物流网络
■ 了解供应链的自然波动性,采购及供应商关系的战略重要性
■ 学习用于供应链管理,具有全球化和协作商务的新兴信息科技
CSCP Book 1 | CSCP Book 2 |
■ Module 1: Supply Chains, Demand Management, and Forecasting ■ Module 2: Global Supply Chain Networks ■ Module 3: Sourcing Products and Services ■ Module 4: Internal Operations and Inventory | ■ Module 5: Forward and Reverse Logistics ■ Module 6: Supply Chain Relationships ■ Module 7: Supply Chain Risk ■ Module 8: Optimization, Sustainability, and Technology |
■ 教材课本分为2个部分,2本美国进口原版教材;
■ 一个APICS在线学习账号,网上辅助学习系统CSCP learning system including;
■ 可以方便使用移动设备学习 ;
■ 每个模块有相应的学习活动 ;
■ 可提供详尽的个人进度报告 。
由具有精湛讲课技巧, 丰富实践经验,全球认证的资深专家授课
■ 采用世界最具权威性和公信力的概念和术语,与全球产业管理的共同语言接轨
■ 小班授课, 更多讨论和案例研究
■ 课程内容知识完整连贯
■ 课程内容覆盖认证考试内容,有助于通过CSCP供应链职业人专业资格认证
■ 改革后的考试没有具体的时间限制,可以随时约考;
■ 考试总计150题目,其中20题目是测试题;
■ 考试三个半小时;
■ 350分为满分,300分为通过;
■ 课后需准备75-100小时复习。
CSCP Bundle(一次免费重考机会)(经典线下班)
■ APICS Plus Member(高级会员年费)1,450元
■ 学习系统+考试费12,800元
■ 培训费9,950元
■ 总计费用24,200元
CSCP Bundle(一次免费重考机会)(全面网络班)
■ APICS Plus Member(高级会员年费)1,450元
■ 学习系统+考试费12,800元
■ 培训费7,960元
■ 总计费用22,210元
Module 1: Supply Chains, Demand Management, and Forecasting
■ Section A: Introduction to Supply Chains
Topic 1: Supply Chain Models
Topic 2: Supply Chain Maturity and Complexity
■ Section B: Demand Analysis and Patterns
Topic 1: Demand Analysis
Topic 2: Demand Patterns
■ Section C: Demand Management
Topic 1: Demand Management
Topic 2: Influencing Demand
■ Section D: Forecasting
Topic 1: Forecasting Principles and Process
Topic 2: Forecasting Methods
Topic 3: Measures of Forecast Error
■ Section E: Supply and Demand Alignment
Topic 1: Supply and Demand Alignment
Topic 2: Sales and Operations Planning
Module 2: Global Supply Chain Networks
■ Section A: Supply Chain Design and Optimization
Topic 1: Supply Chain Design and Management
Topic 2: Business and IT Requirements
Topic 3: Technology Analysis and Optimization
■ Section B: End-to-End Connectivity and Visibility
Topic 1: Supply Chain Technology Applications
Topic 2: Connectivity, Visibility/Sharing, and Legal
Topic 3: Supply Chain Master Data
■ Section C: Supply Chain Metrics and Reports
Topic 1: Supply Chain Metrics, Reports, and SCOR
Topic 2: Financial and Operational Metrics and Reports
Module 3: Sourcing Products and Services
■ Section A: Aligning Sourcing to Demand
Topic 1: Make-Versus-Buy, Outsourcing, and Offshoring
Topic 2: Sourcing Requirements and Total Costs
■ Section B: Category Strategy for Sourcing
Topic 1: Supply Plans, Categories, and Segmentation
Topic 2: Supply Base Analysis and Right-Sizing
■ Section C: Product Design Influence
Topic 1: Product Design
Topic 2: Quality, Customization, and Sustainability
■ Section D: Supplier Selection, Contracting, and Use
Topic 1: Supplier Evaluation and Selection
Topic 2: Contracts
Topic 3: Purchase Orders
Module 4: Internal Operations and Inventory
■ Section A: Planning Operations
Topic 1: Planning Operations
Topic 2: Materials and Inventory
■ Section B: Capacity and Production Activity Control
Topic 1: Capacity
Topic 2: Production Activity Control
■ Section C: Inventory
Topic 1: Inventory
Topic 2: Replenishment Strategies
Topic 3: Traceability, Accuracy, and Disposition
■ Section D: Performance and Continuous Improvement、
Topic 1: Operations, Inventory, and Financial Performance
Topic 2: Continuous Improvement
Topic 3: Quality Tools
Topic 4: Continuous Improvement Methods
Cumulative Course Bibliography
Module 5: Forward and Reverse Logistics
■ Section A: Logistics and Distribution
Topic 1: Logistics
Topic 2: Warehousing and Materials-Handling Strategy
Topic 3: Transportation Strategy
■ Section B: Distribution Services and Transportation Choices
Topic 1: Distribution Services and Delivery Patterns
Topic 2: Transportation Mode and Carrier Selection
■ Section C: Trade Considerations
Topic 1: Legal, Security, and Regulatory Requirements
Topic 2: Import/Export Regulations and Documentation
Topic 3: Trade Zones and Blocs
■ Section D: Reverse Flow
Topic 1: Reverse Logistics
Topic 2: Waste
Module 6: Supply Chain Relationships
■ Section A: Customer Relationships
Topic 1: Customer Relationships and Segmentation
Topic 2: Customer Relationship Management
Topic 3: Customer Service Metrics and Performance
■ Section B: Supplier and Supply Chain Relationship
Topic 1: Supplier Relationships and Segmentation
Topic 2: Strategic Sourcing and Alliances
Topic 3: Supplier Performance
Topic 4: Supply Chain Relationship Management
Module 7: Supply Chain Risk
■ Section A: Risk Management and Supply Chain Risks
Topic 1: Risk Management
Topic 2: Risk Identification and Supply Chain Risks
■ Section B: Risk Analysis and Response
Topic 1: Risk Analysis
Topic 2: Risk Responses, Action Plans, and Business Continuity
Module 8: Optimization, Sustainability, and Technology
■ Section A: Optimizing Supply Chain Strategy and Tactics
Topic 1: Business and Supply Chain Strategy
Topic 2: Supply Chain Strategic Value and Optimization
■ Section B: Sustainability
Topic 1: Sustainable Supply Chains
Topic 2: Sustainability Guidelines and Standards
■ Section C: Technology Trends
Topic 1: Emerging Technology Trends
Topic 2: Technology Assessment and Implementation
Cumulative Course Bibliography