
译典 | 江 畔 Riverside

刘鲁宁 中国诗歌网 2024-02-08

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译 典
2020.3.6 第116期

江  畔




LIU Luning, Luning by pseudonym and Mr. Liu’s Teahouse by net name, a member of Chinese Poetry Association and Director of Shanghai Poetry Association.(冯智娇译)



By LIU Luning

Tr. ZHAO Yanchun


Across the bank south fly wild geese;
Now I feel lost against the breeze.
The riverside tower high suspends;
My homeward gaze in clouds it rends.

译者简介赵彦春,博士生导师,上海大学中国文化翻译研究中心主任,国际学术期刊Translating China 主编,国际汉学与教育研究会会长、传统文化翻译与国际传播专业委员会会长、中国先秦史学会国学双语研究会执行会长,中国语言教育研究会副会长,其翻译作品,被誉为“有史以来最美汉英翻译”“神翻译”“神还原”。

Biosketch of the Translator:

ZHAO Yanchun: Professor of English at Shanghai University, Director of Center for Translation of Chinese Culture, Editor of Translating China, President of International Sinology and Education Society, President of Chinese Culture Translation and International Promotion Committee, Executive President of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association, Vice President of China Language Education Association, a proponent of the principle of translating poesie into poesie and classic into classic. His translations have been widely reported and acclaimed as the unprecedented Chinese-English translation, the best, the choice, the cream. 

栏目策划:金石开栏目主编:赵彦春、莫真宝组稿编辑:吕文澎本期作者:刘鲁宁本期译者:赵彦春中英朗诵:朱盛杰英文书法:凌光艺本期排版:曼  曼

松皆雅》 Elegant Pines

《敕勒歌》The Chile Song

《江 雪》River Snow

《望庐山瀑布》 Gazing at the Mt. Lodge Waterfall

《遣怀》My Will

《重开的六百年前古莲子》To the Blooming of a Six-Hundred-year-old Lotus

一萼紅》 A Rouge Sepal

《登鹳雀楼》Climbing the Stork Tower

画鸡》 A Rooster in the Painting《阿朱示余十年旧照不胜唏嘘乃为一首并寄之Stirred by the Old Photographs Taken a Decade Ago, Presented by Ah Zhu, Hence This Poem to Her

《过天寿山》 A Visit to Mt. Blessed Longevity

《寻隐者不遇》Failure to Find the Recluse

赠汪伦》To Wang Lun

《在校值班》On Nightshift at School

荒 村》 A Deserted Village

《登武当山》Climbing the Wudang Mountains

春 晓》Spring Morn

《小 池》A Small Pool

小 院》My Small Yard

《丙申再上永安长城》On the Great Wall of Yong’an Again

《北川废城春草》 Spring Grass in the Deserted Town in North Sichuan

《池上》On the Pool

静夜思》 Night Thought

《定风波·寻春》Looking for Spring--In Tune of Be Still

《沁园春·雪》Snow--In Tune of Spring at Soothing Garden

《老家山塘》The Hill Pond in My Hometown

译典,意为“翻译经典”,是中国诗歌网与国际期刊Translating China合作开展的诗歌翻译栏目,主要翻译推介我国优秀古诗词、现当代诗词等。双语作品,将在中国诗歌网、翻译先锋号同步推出,并刊发于Translating China。
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译典 | 江 畔 Riverside


