
专著推荐 | 论辩风格:论辩话语中不同功能变体的语用论辩研究

通讯君 语言学通讯 2023-03-04

通讯君与John Benjamins出版社合作推广语言文学国际前沿著作(注“专著推荐”栏目包括books和edited books)

总体看来,当前国际论辩研究学界大致存在逻辑学、修辞学、语用论辩学、语言学和传播学等五种主流研究路径核心议题是如何通过分析和评价论辩话语,进而提升论辩话语的质量。在所有研究路径中,荷兰学者范爱默伦(Frans van Eemeren)和荷罗顿道斯特(Rob Grootendorst)上世纪70年代创立并发展的语用论辩学(Pragma-Dialectics)及“阿姆斯特丹论辩学派”最具影响力。与其他论辩研究范式不同,该学说一方面主张回归古希腊的论辩术(dialectic)传统,将论辩视作正反双方之间为合理消除意见分歧而展开的批判性讨论(critical discussion);另一方面主张基于语用学的言语行为理论,将论辩双方的批判性讨论视作复杂的言语行为交际,剖析双方批判性讨论中哪些言语行为(即论辩话步)执行了何种论辩功能,并依此评判其合理性。从论辩学和语用学的双重理论视角出发,语用论辩学研究者近四十年来先后提出了旨在合理消除意见分歧的批判性讨论理想模型以及意图还原刻画现实论辩话语的“策略操控”(strategic maneuvering)概念体系。前者主要为分析和评价现实论辩话语的内在结构提供参照,后者则用于深入剖析现实论辩话语在论辩合理性与修辞有效性两个方面的微妙平衡。

近年来,语用论辩学者以策略操控的理论体系为核心,一方面精耕理论在政治、外交、法律、学术、医患沟通等交际领域的实际应用和理论拓展,另一方面逐步创新、深化、完善论证图式(argument scheme)、论辩模式(argumentative pattern)、论辩风格(argumentative style)等理论概念。

专著推荐 | 医患争执话语研究:Argumentation between Doctors and Patients

此前我们推广过Arugmentation between Doctors and Patients获得大家的好评(见方上链接)。2022年John Benjamins出版社又推广出语用论辩的新书,作者除了创论人Frans H.van Eemeren教授之外,还有一位为中国论辩理论学者吴鹏教授,标志着语用论辩学这一国际著名论辩理论阵营中有了中国声音。

Argumentative Style:

A pragma-dialectical study of functional variety in argumentative discourse


Frans H. van Eemeren | University of Amsterdam & Leiden University

Bart Garssen | University of Amsterdam

Sara Greco | Università della Svizzera italiana

Ton van Haaften | Leiden University

Nanon Labrie | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Fernando Leal | University of Guadalajara

Peng Wu(吴鹏) | Jiangsu University


Hardbound 精装版ISBN书号 978-902721-1354




Argumentative Style discusses the various ways in which the defence of a standpoint is given shape in argumentative discourse. In this innovative study the new notion – ‘argumentative style’ – introduced for this purpose is situated in the theoretical framework of the pragma-dialectical approach to argumentation. This means that the choices involved in utilising a particular argumentative style do not only concern the presentational dimension, but also the topical selection and the audience adaptation of the strategic manoeuvring taking place in the discourse. In identifying the functional variety of the argumentative styles utilised in the political, the diplomatic, the legal, the facilitatory, the academic, and the medical domain, the point of departure is that these argumentative styles manifest themselves in the discourse in the argumentative moves that are made, the dialectical routes that are chosen and the strategic considerations that are brought to bear.


Preface | pp. ix–x

Chapter 1. Argumentative style: The strategic shape of argumentative discourse | pp. 1–8

Chapter 2. Manifestation of argumentative styles in argumentative discourse | pp. 9–20

Chapter 3. Detached argumentative styles and engaged argumentative styles | pp. 21–32

Chapter 4. Variety of argumentative styles in different argumentative practices | pp. 33–56

Chapter 5. Argumentative style in political advertising | pp. 57–94

Chapter 6. Argumentative style in parliamentary debates | pp. 95–124

Chapter 7. Confrontational argumentative style at diplomatic press conferences | pp. 125–146

Chapter 8. Argumentative style in civil court’s judgments | pp. 147–188

Chapter 9. Argumentative style in mediators’ opening statements | pp. 189–216

Chapter 10. Argumentative style in a peer-reviewed research paper | pp. 217–254

Chapter 11. Argumentative style in family-centred medical consultations | pp. 255–288

Chapter 12. Conclusion | pp. 289–314

References | pp. 315–322

About the authors | pp. 323–326

 Index | pp. 327–332


Argumentative Style is the joint product of a group of seven experienced scholars who follow the productive pragma-dialectical approach to argumentation and Frans van Eemeren’s insights on style published in 2019. The opening chapters set the theoretical ground rules of analysis and identify two comprehensive types of argumentative style, the detached and engaged. These are carried through the remaining seven chapters covering specific contexts and activity types in important argument domains. With exemplary clarity, the authors tie their explorations to the dimensions and stages of argumentation, offering readers a model of precise, theoretically rigorous stylistic analysis.”

Jeanne Fahnestock, University of Maryland


“This book brings clarity to the complex topic of argumentative style. Understood as how argumentation is conducted – including the analytic overview, dialectical route, and strategic design – argumentative style, seen in the stages of an argumentative discourse, reveals how arguers attempt to convince their audiences of the acceptability of standpoints. The empirical studies reported are a vivid example of the cutting-edge work driving today’s research.”

Christopher Tindale, University of Windsor, Canada


“This outstanding and hugely important study is both theoretically and empirically innovative. Van Eemeren and his colleagues have succeeded in redefining the concept of ‘style’ in a new and adequate way, useful for and applicable to analysing strategic manoeuvring in real-life interactions, in the context of a range of relevant social fields – from political advertising to parliamentary debates and medical decision-making. This book is a must-read for anybody interested in understanding and explaining the plethora of frequently polarised and complex debates which we are all confronted with in our ever more globalised world.”

Ruth Wodak, Lancaster University / University Vienna


8月20日 9:00-11:00 姜峰教授/博导 语料库与学术语篇研究:科研选题与论文写作

8月20日 15:00-17:00 杨艳超副教授/博士 人文社科教学与研究中的质性软件Maxqda软件的使用

8月21日 9:00-11:00 余红兵教授/副主编 国际人文社科名刊发表策略

8月21日 15:00-17:00 王峰教授/博导 掌握学术英语写作的引用策略

详情点击:学术研修 | 8月20-21日 “语言学研究方法及论文写作在线研修班”



本文编辑:王峰 山东大学







