
专著推荐 | 批评话语经典读本Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies

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Routledge,Bloomsbury,Springer,Multilingual Matters, De Gruyeter, John Benjamins, Equinox,Cambridge,Oxford.








The Routledge Handbook of Critical Discourse Studies

主编: John Flowerdew 、 John E. Richardson


ISBN: 9781138826403


友情提示本书国际物流周期8周左右。可以开具发票,支持对公转账。咨询联系人王老师13501892122 电话同微信


Critical Discourse Studies (CDS) is an inter-disciplinary approach to language in use, which aims to advance our understanding of how discourse figures in social processes, social structures and social change. CDS draws heavily on social theories and seeks to develop a critically contextualised approach to linguistics which identifies issues of ideology, power and inequality as central to our field of studies. The scope of critical discourse studies is not limited to linguistic studies, nor to work that is primarily empirical or analytical. However, like other approaches to discourse analysis, CDS is wedded to the principle of examining real-world examples of language in use, with the text as our main unit of analysis. CDS practitioners are united in seeing language as a form of social practice and that its proper focus is in its contexts of use (Fairclough 1989; Fairclough, Mulderrig and Wodak 2011; Wodak and Meyer 2016a). According to Fairclough (1989: 2), “using language is the commonest form of social behaviour”. In its view of language as social action, CDS is inspired by the work of Austin (1962) and Wittgenstein (1965), with their emphasis on language as always doing something. It is impossible to examine language in use – what people do with language and how this ‘doing’ is linked to wider inter-personal, institutional, socio-cultural and material contexts – if the tokens of discourse analysed are concocted by the writers. CDS is problem-driven (as opposed to theory-driven) and aims to uncover hidden features of language use and debunk their claims to authority. It aims to make the implicit explicit in language use. As Jaworski and Coupland (2015: 5) put it, “[CDS] is a forensic activity, with a libertarian political slant”. CDS is practised in a wide range of fields, apart from language studies, such as anthropology, business studies, geography, health studies, media studies, psychology and tourism studies. In this sense it is a very inter-disciplinary enterprise.

CDS is not a method of discourse studies, but a group of varying approaches each with distinctive, but also overlapping methods (Wodak and Meyer 2016b). Approaches presented in the third edition of Wodak and Meyer’s (2016a) Methods of Critical Discourse Studies include the Discourse-Historical Approach, associated with Ruth Wodak and colleagues; the sociocognitive approach of Teun van Dijk; Norman Fairclough’s dialectical-relational approach; Siegfried Jäger and Florentine Maier’s Foucauldian approach; and Theo van Leeuwen’s social practice approach, all of which are represented in one way or another in this volume. However, these are just some approaches and, again, many others are represented in this volume.These approaches draw on various linguistic theories – in particular systemic functional linguistics, pragmatics and, increasingly, cognitive linguistics – and non-linguistic theories, such as theories of (social) cognition and (critical) social theories, e.g., those of Bourdieu, Castells, Foucault, Giddens, Gramsci, Habermas, Harvey and Marx. In terms of methods employed, these include traditional qualitative textual analysis, discourse-pragmatic analysis and corpus-assisted methods, but also ethnographic methods such as interviews, focus groups and participant observation.The data analysed in CDS can be political discourse of various genres (inter alia policy documents, press releases, speeches and party election materials) mass-media texts (including newspapers, television and film), historical and official documents, various types of internet data, and ethnographic data collected by means of observation, interviews and focus groups. The size of a data set may range from the very local – a single written text or conversation – to the more global – corpora of hundreds or even thousands of texts. Such data may be drawn from anywhere in the world, although there has historically been a (perhaps unfortunate) emphasis on Europe, at the expense of other continents (which we have tried to partially redress in selecting our authors for this volume).

The volume in outline 

The aim of this Handbook is to provide an accessible, authoritative and comprehensive introduction to Critical Discourse Studies (CDS), covering the main theories, concepts, contexts and applications of this important and rapidly developing field of study. In more detail, across 41 original chapters, this book will:• Provide a clear and accessible state-of-the-art overview of the field for advanced undergraduate and graduate students• Identify and give clear descriptions and examples of central concepts and theories in CDS.

• Cover the main fields and genres where CDS has been applied 

• Not only summarise the contours of a subject or sub-field (its concerns, development and principle works) in each chapter, but also present the authors’ contributions to that sub-field through a worked example 

• Emphasise the critical dimension of work in a particular area – that is, the chapters present and discuss what is critical about CDS research on (for example) pragmatics or gender 

• Provide methodologies to help students, teachers and researchers to conduct their own critical research of discourse 

• Reflect the international character of critical discourse research by bringing together a range of the very best scholarship in CDA/CDS from around the world

In commissioning and editing this Handbook, we wanted to publish state-of-the-art chapters that demonstrated what a critical approach can bring to our analysis and understanding of both discourse and society. We specifically wanted to reflect the diverse range of research being written across the world. We hope that the published chapters go some way to achieving this. One regret is that there is not parity in the ratio of male to female authors. The original draft contents of the book were equal; however, with some authors pulling out, others replaced, the final contents became unfortunately skewed towards male authors

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Chapter  1:  CDA as dialectical reasoning

Chapter  2:  Socio-cognitive discourse studie

Chapter  3:  The Discourse-Historical Approach

Chapter  4:  Multi-modal critical discourse analysis

Chapter  5:  Cognitive Linguistic critical discourse studies

Chapter  6:  Spatial cognition

Chapter  7:  Corpus-based approaches

Chapter  8:  Cultural approach to CDA (CCDA)

Chapter  9:  Positive discourse analysis

Chapter  10:  Systemic functional linguistic

Chapter  11:  Critical discourse studies and context

Chapter  12:  Ethnography and critical discourse studies

Chapter  13:  Pragmatics and critical discourse studies

Chapter  14:  Metaphor

Chapter  15:  Rhetoric and argumentation

Chapter  16:  Deliberative discourse

Chapter  17:  Critical discourse studies and social theory

Chapter  18:  Discourse-Theoretical Analysis (DTA)

Chapter  19:  Critical discourse analysis and media studies

Chapter  20:  Critical discourse analysis and history

Chapter  21:  Critical discourse analysis and politics

Chapter  22:  Critical discourse studies in/of applied contexts

Chapter  23:  Class and class warfare

Chapter  24:  Race/ethnicity

Chapter  25:  Feminist critical discourse analysis

Chapter  26:  Sexuality in critical discourse studies

Chapter  27:  Discourses about nationalism

Chapter  28:  Neoliberalism, globalization and critical discourse studies 

Chapter  29:  The discursive construction of terrorism and violence

Chapter  30:  Fascist discourse

Chapter  31:  Critical discourse analysis and educational discourses

Chapter  32:  Legal discourse

Chapter  33:  Critical discourse analysis and ecology

Chapter  34:  Journalism and critical discourse studies

Chapter  35:  Textbooks

Chapter  36:  Critical discourse studies and branding

Chapter  37:  The critical analysis of musical discourse

Chapter  38:  The power of semiotic software

Chapter  39:  Social media critical discourse studies (SM-CDS)

Chapter  40:  Critical discourse analysis of reality television

Chapter  41:  Critical discourse analysis and film



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