
专著推荐 | 外语交际意愿研究国际经典著作(6本)


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本期的主题是交际意愿:交际意愿最早由McCroskey&Baer(1985:3-11)提出,用于诠释交际意图和倾向在母语交流过程中的个性化区别,20世纪90年代被应用到二语习得研究领域( MacIntyre & Charos 1996: 3-26 ),之后受到持续关注。鉴于二语教学的首要目标是培养学习者的二语交际能力( Swain 2000: 99 ),而达成此目标的前提之一是学习者必须具有交际意愿,因此,培养交际意愿便成为二语教学的重要内容之一(吴旭东 2008: 280-290) 。 研究表明,交际意愿可分为个性化和情境化交际意愿( MacIntyre,Dornyei,Clement & Noels 1998: 545-562 ) 。前者指学习者自主发起的交际愿望,稳定性较好,影响因素包括自判语言能力(MacIntyre,Baker,Clement & Conrod 2001:369-388) 、二语水平( Cao 2011: 468-479) 、学习动机、交际信心和焦虑( Yashima 2002:54-66) 和个性特征( Zhong 2013: 740-751) 等。后者指学生“在某特定时刻想使用第二语言进行交谈的愿望”,具有明显的动态性和场景依赖性(Cao 2011: 468-479) ,其影响因素包括课堂交流方式、交际对象和主题(Cao 2011: 468-479; Cao&Philp 2006: 480-493) 、交际任务类型(Eddy-U 2015: 43-55) 等。教师因素作为课堂交际意愿的重要驱动,也由此成为重要的研究话题(Cao 2011: 468-479; 海春花 2014:67-71) 。相关研究从思辨视角考察教师因素对学生课堂交际意愿影响,探讨教师应如何应对学生的课堂沉默和交际意愿低下等问题。例如,王健、张静( 2008: 81-84) 重点关注了课堂沉默现象及其成因,进而提出相应的教师教学策略;周燕、张洁(2014: 30-33) 从教师角色定位的角度考察教师因素对英语课堂的影响,提出教师在复杂的英语课堂教学环境中所扮演的角色应当是“对话者”,应搭建师生有效沟通的渠道。另有研究采用实证的方法,调查了学生对二语交际意愿的认知感受,考察了教师因素对其课堂交际意愿的影响,并发现课堂等待时间、错误反馈方式、教师支撑作用、课堂话题选择等因素均对学生二语交际意愿产生了不同程度的影响(Zarrinabadi 2014:288-295 ),而教师的授课方式、授课内容、课堂提问方式与课堂互动程度、课堂沉默与否等均有重要关系(张慧琴、张琨 2009: 78-84) ——以上内容节选自林殿芳等(2018)“影响学生课堂交际意愿的教师因素研究”.



Willingness to Communicate, Multilingualism and Interactions in Community Contexts

本书作者:Alastair Henry, Peter D. MacIntyre

ISBN 9781800411937


出版社:Multilingual Matters


This book presents the findings of an in-depth qualitative longitudinal investigation into the willingness to communicate (WTC) of individuals who, through varying migration channels, left one cultural/linguistic context to make a new life in another. It examines communication behaviours and language choice in multilingual community contexts and emphasises how even the most trivial of communication events are embedded in histories of previous communication and are influenced by emotions connected with a person's overall life situation. The book fills a gap in contemporary WTC research by examining how WTC operates in multilingual community contexts. Through the use of a complexity lens and the presentation of a revised 3D pyramid model, the authors demonstrate the dynamic nature of WTC and shed new light on processes that affect communication, migration and well-being. This book will be of interest to researchers seeking to explore individual differences using context sensitive and temporally focused designs.


Figures and Tables


Jean-Marc Dewaele: Foreword: From Two to Three Dimensions in WTC Research 

Part 1: The WTC Construct and the Research Frontier

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. The Pyramid Model and the Dynamic Turn in WTC Research

Part 2: The Research Project

Chapter 3. Language Choice and Willingness to Communicate in a Swedish Context

Chapter 4. The Project Design and the Research Process

Chapter 5. The Participants  

Part 3: Stories of Interactions in Community Contexts

Chapter 6. Developmental Dynamics: Kesu, Maria and Jessie   

Chapter 7. Linguistic Self-Efficacy and Communication Willingness: Wafaa

Chapter 8. Willingness to Communicate and the Challenges of Tied Migration: Olivia and Titly

Chapter 9. Willingness to Communicate and Translanguaging Ideologies: Pranisha and Sabrina

Part 4: Syntheses, Conceptualisations and Ethics

Chapter 10. At a Specific Time, with a Specific Person or Persons, Using a L2 (or Mix of Languages)

Chapter 11. Introducing a 3D Model of the WTC Pyramid

Chapter 12. The Probability of Initiating Communication, Given Choice and Opportunity

Chapter 13. The 'Ethics of Walking Alongside': Ethical Engagement When Studying a Process in Motion



The Relationship between Willingness to Communicate

and Speaking Fluency, Accuracy, and Complexity among Iranian EFL Learners

本书作者:Faranak Nabi

ISBN 9786206181750


出版社:LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing


The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ willingness to communicate (WTC) and their speaking fluency, accuracy, and complexity. The WTC of 57 learners (22 males and 35 females) in the intermediate level taken from Goldis English Language Institute, in Tabriz, was obtained through McCroskey’s (1992) Willingness to Communicate Scale. Then, the participants performed an oral picture description task which was scored in terms of fluency, accuracy, and complexity by the raters. Afterwards, three Pearson’s correlation analyses were conducted to measure the degree of the relationship between WTC and the participants’ speaking fluency, accuracy, and complexity. The results of the correlation analyses indicated that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between the participants’ WTC and their speaking fluency, accuracy, and complexity. The results of the study could help textbook designers, curriculum planners, foreign language institutes, teachers, learners and their parents to focus on WTC and improve the communication ability of the EFL learners.


New Perspectives on Willingness to Communicate in a Second Language

本书主编:Nourollah Zarrinabadi, Mirosław Pawlak

ISBN: ‎ 9783030676339

出版时间: 2021年5月



——Includes a wide range of chapters on EFL learners' willingness to communicate in a second language

——Presents novel methodological approaches to the study of willingness to communicate

——Includes quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods studies on willingness to communicate

——Explores how culture and technology influence willingness to communicate in a second language


This edited collection provides a state-of-the art overview of research on willingness to communicate (WTC) in a second and foreign language. In particular, it includes innovative studies seeking to demonstrate the ways in which WTC can be examined within the framework of complex dynamic systems, how the construct is related to self-assessment, reticence and extroversion, and what is signifies in the case of immigrants. Another group of papers is related to the role of technology in fostering WTC in different contexts. The volume also comprises papers that touch on methodological issues in the study of WTC such as experience case sampling, the network approach or the integration of the macro- and micro-perspective. The book will be of values to researchers interested in the study of WTC but will also provide inspiration for students, teachers and materials writers.



Communicative Behaviour of a Language Learner

Exploring Willingness to Communicate

本书作者: Dagmara Gałajda

ISBN:  9783319866000




This book investigates and analyzes the way in which factors such as communication apprehension, self-perceived communicative competence and group dynamics influence the communicative behavior of a foreign-language learner. It also focuses on interpersonal communication, group communication and public speaking. Using selected models it characterizes and analyzes all types of communication with reference to communication in the language classroom, with a particular emphasis on the foreign-language context. The author also presents some conclusions and implications for both language teachers and language learners, as well as offering suggestions for further research in the field of classroom communication. The results of the study serve as a point of reference for teachers interested in the construct of willingness to communicate and other communication variables related to the issue of communication in a foreign language. The work also raises teachers' awareness of individual learner differences in the context of communication in the foreign-language classroom.



Speaking Anxiety, Mindfulness and Willingness to Communicate

作者:Abbas Ali Zarei, Zahra Haji Agha Mohammadi


出版社:Scholars' Press

ISSN: 978-620-2-30769-7


Speaking is generally believed to be one of the most anxiety provoking language skills, especially in foreign language learning contexts. Speaking anxiety is related to several other factors such as mindfulness and willingness to communicate. This book is an attempt to investigate the nature of such relationships. Apart from a review of the related literature, it also includes the empirical analysis of the mentioned variables. This book may be useful for second/foreign language learners and teachers as well as researchers and materials developers.


Self-Regularity Vocabulary Strategy Use and Willingness to Communicate

作者:Abbas Ali Zarei, Zahra Haji Agha Mohammadi


Emad Khosravani

Zohreh Hosseinpoor Unesi

出版社:LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing



The growing tendency toward developing communicative competence is the main goal of learning a foreign language. A significant number of people express that the application of foreign language learning as a vehicle for communication is viewed as a vehicle for negotiating meaning, and promoting greater success (Alemi, Tajeddin & Mesbah, 2013). The issue of willingness to communicate (WTC) has always been an important and attractive point both for teachers and students and also for researchers in English as a Second Language and English as a Foreign Language countries. Communication is the basics of the target language and students have to expand their WTC by many ways.


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