SCôP Conversation | 专访徕卡画廊全球执行副总裁 Karin Rehn-Kaufmann
徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖(下称 LOBA)经久不衰的秘诀是什么?LOBA 的评委们是如何选出最终获奖作品和摄影师的?将照片印刷出来在美术馆中展示的意义是什么?我们很高兴在《天·地·人:徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖40周年特展》开幕之际,邀请徕卡画廊全球执行副总裁 Karin Rehn-Kaufmann 女士,为 SCoP 进行了一次精彩的分享。
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann
2008年以来,Karin Rehn-Kaufmann 一直担任徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖的评审团成员,在这项国际顶级摄影大赛的组织和发展工作中发挥举足轻重的作用。
SCoP Talk with Karin Rehn-Kaufmann
SCoP :首先我们非常高兴能在展览开幕之际与您进行一次对谈!徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖已经有着40年悠久历史了,这非常了不起!那么 LOBA 经久不衰的秘诀是什么呢?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann :感谢你们的邀请!很荣幸 LOBA 的部分入围及获奖者们的作品能在 SCoP 进行展出,我非常高兴,就像梦想成真一般!40年来,LOBA 的主题始终保持不变——人类与环境间的关系。这个主题从过去到将来,都一直会与我们息息相关。而每一年,这个主题都在变得越来越重要,也愈发紧迫。同时,每年的参赛摄影师,尤其是获奖者,他们为奖项的声望做出了杰出的贡献。
SCoP :作为评委,什么样的照片能够打动您?您认为好的照片有什么共同特质?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann :LOBA 的重点在于它是关注一个系列,而不是一张单独的图像。如果这个系列讲述了一个感人的故事,或者视觉语言在与我对话,那么它就能打动我。这是一种情绪,一种感觉。对我而言,能够讲述故事并触动我的图像就是一张好的照片。那些触动我灵魂的摄影师会一直留在我的脑海中。
2020 LOBA 新人奖摄影师贡伽罗·方塞卡作品
© 贡伽罗·方塞卡
SCoP :每年都有非常多的摄影师和作品参赛,您能聊聊今年 LOBA 令你印象深刻的摄影师吗?在他们当中哪一位摄影师和作品是你最喜欢的?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann :卢卡·洛卡特利(Luca Locatelli)凭借他的系列“未来研究”成为了今年的获奖者。这位摄影师的长期项目以可视化的方式研究了我们在地球上未来生存的新方式,以及如何应对我们面临的巨大环境问题。在我看来一个伟大的系列能让我们意识到当今和未来与技术有关的许多问题。
以及今年的新人奖摄影师贡伽罗·方塞卡(Gonçalo Fonseca),他的系列作品以个人故事为基础,讲述了目前影响里斯本的戏剧性住房状况,揭示了推进中产阶级化的后果。这些图像非常有力和感人,这无疑是他获得 LOBA 新人奖的原因之一。
今年有很多我喜欢的摄影师,今年LOBA的质量相当出色,就像一束五颜六色、变化多端的奇妙鲜花。仅举几个例子的话,我很喜欢拉格纳·阿克塞尔森(Ragnar Axelsson)在北极拍摄的,令人印象深刻的生动黑白照片;文森特·福尼尔(Vincent Fournier)和他的“太空项目”十分有趣,这些图像的角度很有意思;麦穆娜·古艾雷丝(Maimouna Gurresi)用她独特的方式来展示她与祖国的联系。每个系列都有自己的特色,他们都非常棒,否则我们也不会把他们列入候选名单。
© 拉格纳·阿克塞尔森
© 文森特·福尼尔
© 麦穆娜·古艾雷丝
SCoP :我们很感兴趣最终的奖项是如何产生的,评委们是否会有意见不一致的情况?如果评委们出现选择争执,你们会如何选出最终的获奖作品和摄影师?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann :当然,我们并不是每次都能达成共识。由于评委不同,每年的评审团也完全不同。这让奖项的产生过程变得非常有趣。我们从来都不只是在网上交流,而是坐在一起,讨论每个系列并为每个人的选择极力争取。听取评委们的论点,为什么他或她投票支持这位摄影师是非常重要的。这样每个人都能相互理解各自的观点,让评判过程更加容易。最后所有评委们也都会对奖项评审的结果感到高兴和满意。
SCoP :自从2008年开始作为 LOBA 的评委,在这么多年的评审生涯中,是否有某一些至今仍令你记忆犹新的参赛者或获奖者?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann :这真是一个很难回答的问题,过去的 LOBA 获奖者们我都非常喜欢!如果举几个例子的话,例如第一位新人奖得主多米尼克·纳尔(Dominic Nahr), 扬·格拉鲁普(Jan Grarup), 黄京, 叶夫根尼亚·阿尔布加耶娃(Evgenia Arbugaeva), 亚历杭德罗·切加拉(Alejandro Cegarra),他们依然让我记忆犹新!当然,如果我仔细想想以前的所有获胜者,我的脑海里会浮现出更多的东西。前不久我在威兹勒(Wetzlar)的 Ernst Leitz 博物馆策划了 LOBA 40年回顾展,展出了所有过去主要奖项和新人奖的得主,那是一个关于纪实摄影40年历史的伟大展览。
SCoP :你觉得历届 LOBA 发展至现在,在摄影风格或者视觉表现形式上有什么变化?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann :我发现今年的 LOBA 在品质上有很高的提升,因为提名制的新系统,让 LOBA 晋升到了一个新的层次。源自传统的纪实报道摄影,在1980年 LOBA 诞生之初,主要以黑白为主。从全球的视角看,如今摄影师们的风格变得更加个人化。摄影师处理社会和经济问题的方法更具个性和艺术性。
SCoP :徕卡真的是为摄影界做出了巨大的贡献!您觉得摄影在我们的时代、在我们生活中、在社会上扮演了什么样的角色?如今摄影有什么变化吗?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann :摄影当然已经发生了改变。如今每个人用智能手机拍摄图像时都认为自己是一个摄影师,但从我的角度来看这不是摄影,只是拍下我们日常生活中的瞬间和场景。世界变得越来越快,但是为了拍出好的照片你必须花时间,你必须先有一个想法,在拍摄之前仔细观察。这意味着你要慢慢来,你是摄影师,而不是相机本身。
SCoP :我们在本次展览中回顾了 LOBA 40年来的优秀获奖者和他们的作品,摄影师们不遗余力地在表现人与生存环境之间的关系,正如本次展览的名字“People and Place”。您是如何理解人与生存环境之间关系的?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann :我们有一个共同生活的世界,我们必须尊重、友善、关心这个世界上的所有人和自然环境。这是我们人类和环境之间的一种互动,否则世界将无法运转。不幸的是我们可以看到,我们在已经在摧毁我们美好的星球,只为了寻求更多的权力和金钱。
SCoP :如今越来越多人选择使用智能手机拍照并在屏幕上浏览照片。您认为摄影器材在摄影中是否重要?将照片印刷出来在美术馆中展示的意义是什么?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann :是的正如我之前提到的,对于摄影师来说花时间拍摄是很重要的。比如使用徕卡M,您必须能够手动设置所有内容。使用徕卡M-System相机拍摄照片时,会获得到一种与智能手机不同的摄影体验。
我总是说,只有印刷出来的图像才是真正的“照片”,其他一切都只是数据。将照片印刷出来是非常重要的,因此我们才在世界各地开设了25个徕卡画廊,否则我们也不会与 SCoP 有这次精彩的合作展览了。存储在我们电脑上的图片只是数据,你可以移动它们,你可以删除它们,但最终它们会被遗忘。
SCoP :许多中国的年轻摄影师和摄影爱好者们一直都在关注着徕卡和LOBA,从您专业的角度,对于年轻人们有什么意见和建议可以分享吗?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann :LOBA 在中国越来越受到关注真的是太棒了。我对年轻摄影师的建议是继续做自己喜欢的事——拍照。保持好奇心,敢于尝试新事物,一个新的角度,一个不同的布光,但不要在后期进行过多编辑。找到使你自己有别于其他摄影师的独特风格,并花时间耐心去看,去观察。
SCoP: It’s a pleasure for the SCoP to have a conversation with you before the opening of the exhibition! First of all, the LOBA has a long, evergreen history of 40 years. Why do you think the award could last so long?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann: Thank you for having me and for showing part of the LOBA at the SCoP. I am more than glad and honored that part of our Shortlisted and winners are exhibited at the SCoP. It’s like a dream has come true!! The topic of the award has been always the same since 40 years: the relationship between mankind and its environment. This theme has always been and always will be relevant for us. Each year the theme gets more and more important and urgent. But also the photographers who took part in this competition and especially who have won the LOBA before helped a lot to make this award prestigious and long lasting.
SCoP: As the jury of the LOBA, what kind of photos moves you? What do you think is the sharing character of a good photo?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann: Important to say is, that the LOBA is not about one image, it is about a series. If the series tells a touching story or the visual language is speaking to me then it touches me. It is a mood and a feeling. For me it is a good image when it touches me and when it tells a story. The ones who touch my soul will stay in my mind.
SCoP: There are many photographers participating in LOBA every year. Let’s talk about the photographers of this year and why their work got your attention and stood out?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann: The winner was Luca Locatelli with his series “Future Studies”. The photographer’s long-term project visualizes research into new ways for our future survival on the planet, and how to deal with the enormous environmental problems we face. In my opinion a great series which makes us aware of a lot of problems today and in the future related to technology.
And this year’s Newcomer, Gonçalo Fonseca with his series “New Lisbon”. The photographer’s series deals with the dramatic housing situation currently affecting Lisbon and, based on individual stories, reveals the consequences of advancing gentrification. The images are very strong and touching, that’s for sure one reason he has won the LOBA Newcomer Award.
There are a lot of photographers I like this year. The quality of this year’s LOBA is quite outstanding. It’s like a wonderful, colorful and very varying bouquet of flowers. But just to name a few photographers, I really like what Ragnar Axelsson is photographing in the Arctic, impressing and vivid b/w images. Also Vincent Fournier with his “Space Projects” is an interesting project. The perspective of these images are quite interesting. Maimouna Gurresi with her very individual approach to show her connection to her native country. Every series speak on its own and very interesting imagery. This are all great series, otherwise we wouldn’t have taken them on the shortlist.
SCoP: We are interested in the process of jurying. How does the jury make final decisions when disputes happen?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann: Of course we don’t always agree on every series and each year the jury is totally different because the jury members are different. That makes the process quite interesting. We never do a jury discussion only online. We sit together, we discuss and fight for each series. What is important to hear the arguments from the judge, why is he or she voting for this photographer. Then everybody can understand his or her point of view and makes the judging process easier. And at the end all jury members should be glad and satisfied with the result of the judging process.
SCoP: You’ve been on the jury of the LOBA since 2008. In your memories, are there any candidates or winners’ work still impress you?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann: That is a tough question, I mean I like every work of the past winners of the LOBA it is hard to say who is still staying in my memory, But for example, Dominic Nahr (first Newcomer), Jan Grarup, Jing Huang, Evgenia Arbugaeva, Alejandro Cegarra, just to name a few, are still series which I still remember quite good. But of course when I sit down and think of all the previous winners a lot more will come to my mind. I just curated our 40 years LOBA exhibition with all our former main category and Newcomer winners in our Ernst Leitz Museum in Wetzlar. A great exhibition about 40 years of the history of documentary photography.
SCoP: Base on the LOBA’s selection of photos from the past to the present, taking a close gaze on those pictures, how do you think LOBA has changed in terms of photographic style or visual identity as time goes by?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann: I mean I recognize a big change in quality for this year’s LOBA. Because of the nomination system the LOBA is on another level. Coming from classic reportage when the LOBA started in 1980, the series were mainly in b/w, the view of the photographer’s worldwide changed to a more individual style. The photographer’s approach on social and economic problems is more individual and artistic.
SCoP: Leica makes a huge contribution to the world of photography. What role do you think photography plays in our lives and the society under this time? Has photography changed nowadays?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann: Of course it has changed. Nowadays everyone thinks he or she is a photographer when taking images with the smartphone. But this is from my point of view not photographing it’s just shooting moments and scenes from our daily life. It is getting faster and faster, but for taking good photographs you have to take your time, you have to have an idea in your mind and you LOOK before you shoot. That means you take your time, you are the photographer who shoots, not the camera itself.
SCoP: At the same time, SCoP also reviewed the outstanding winners of LOBA over the past 40 years and their works in this exhibition. They spared no effort to show the relationship between people and the living environment, just like the name of this exhibition "People and Place". How do you understand the relationship between humans and environment?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann: We have one world where we all live together. We have to be respectful, nice and caring to all the people in this world as well as the environment. It is an interaction between us humans and the environment otherwise it wouldn’t work. And unfortunately we see how far we destroyed already our wonderful planet with only looking for more power and money.
SCoP: Nowadays, more and more people use smartphones to take photos and browse photos on the internet. Do you think photographic equipment is still important to photography? Additionally, what’s the significance of printing the pictures out and showing them in the museum?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann: Yes, as I mentioned earlier, it is important for photographers to take their time for shooting. In using for example a Leica M system you have to be able to set up everything manual. When you take a photograph with a Leica M-System camera, you experience a different kind of photography than with a smartphone.
I always say only a printed image is a photograph everything else is just data. It’s so important to print out images, therefore we have 25 Leica galleries around the world, and therefore it’s so wonderful to have the SCoP as a partner for our LOBA 2020 exhibition…. The stored pictures on our computers are only data, you can move them, you can delete them but in the end they will be forgotten.
SCoP: Many young Chinese photographers and photography lovers have been paying attention to Leica and LOBA. From your professional view, what’s your suggestion and insights to those young generation?
Karin Rehn-Kaufmann: That’s really great that the LOBA is getting more attention in China. My advice for young photographers would be: Keep doing what you love: taking pictures. Be curious and dare to try something new. A new angle, a different lighting, but don’t edit too much afterwards. Find your own unique style, which differentiates you from other photographers and take your time and LOOK.
即将展出 Upcoming Exhibition
People and Place
Leica Oskar Barnack Award 40th Anniversary
2020.11.28 - 2021.01.31
参观时间 10:30 - 17:30
周二至周日 Tuesday to Sunday
周一闭馆 Closed on Monday
(021)- 64289516