No.37 驻地工作坊 "苗妙:草丛" | BOXES 开幕现场
小孩可能会左右手交替拍球,或在球上下弹动的间隔里加入动作,小孩会发觉有双重的满足:既保持了节奏,又避免了单调。我把这个加动作的过程称作逐级复杂’「graded complication」的过程,加入的动作类似于视觉艺术和音乐里的装饰成分。
贡布里希 《秩序感》
The child may alternately tap the ball with left and right hands, or adding movement in between the bouncing of the ball up and down, then they will find a double satisfaction: maintaining the rhythm while avoiding monotony. I call this process of adding movement ‘graded complication’, where the added movement is similar to the decorative elements in visual art and music.
Ernst H. Gombrich, The Sense of order
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19世纪后期开始,广东顺德、南海一带盛行机器缫丝,俗称“鬼红”,而该行业的缫丝女工则称为“鬼䊺女”“鬼須” 称号的出现,始自光绪中叶。清同治十一年(1872年),南海县归侨陈启沅,在其原籍南海简村堡创建了中国第一间机器缫丝厂,以其使用蒸汽机器缫丝,名日“丝偈”,但又因其技术自国外引进,且其产品多与洋人打交道,按洋装丝规格卖给洋人,按民间习惯 “洋人”又称“鬼”,因此洋机器丝便俗称为“鬼纺”。当时的机器缫丝厂主要设各有蒸汽锅炉引路,两绪坐缫机等,因其不再使用炭炉,而是统一使用锅炉蒸汽,以管道输送到各车位,既能较昜控制缫丝锅温度稳定又可使绕在 “缅”上的丝及时干燥,因而极大地提高了产品质量和生产效率,在国际市场上竞争力大增。于是机器缫丝厂便迅速发展,在顺德县更是发展迅猛,到清宣统三年 (1911年),顺德县机器缫丝业己发展为拥有6万多产业工人的近代工业,占当时全省机器缫丝厂的90%以上,尤其是民国8年 (1919年)丝商岑国华、岑细礼二人率先在顺德五区葛岸乡(今乐从镇) 采用日本复摇机缫丝的新技术,变传统的四角车丝(俗称细丝)为六角括(粤语“活”阴平声)丝,更使丝质显著提高,进一步促进了广东机器缫丝厂发展。“鬼红”厂成为南、番、顺,特别是顺德的经济支柱。
作为“鬼行”厂生产主力军的缫丝女工,自然便被称为 “鬼絚女”“鬼红女”主要是从丝厂附近地区招雇而来的,大部分是农民的女儿,或者是远走外乡工作的人的妻女,年纪一般在12岁至50岁之间,有相当一部分是童工。建国前,缫丝厂大都是一班制生产,〞鬼红女” 每天从早到晚工作10多小时,旧日社会劳动人民生活困难,没有时钟,上班全靠“鬼缅”(即机器樂丝厂)拉汽笛的声音召唤,第一次在四时半叫“头轮鸡”(顺德方言称响汽笛为“吹鸡”),第三次在五时叫 “二轮鸡”,第三次在五时半叫 “三轮鸡”,三轮鸡,响过,丝厂就关上大门开工生产,迟到者不得进厂。因此,住在离工厂较远的工人,在四时半就要起床准备上班。每天黎明前天未亮就有成群结队的 “鬼红女” 穿着木屐,奔走在麻石街上,响起了一串串清脆的履声。当时,丝厂流传着一首悲歌:“出门戴星宿,归门入错屋,进厂受盘剥,出街受侮辱,终年做牛马,一日两餐粥。“鬼須女” 的劳动条件非常恶劣,厂房又矮又挤,不通风,阴暗潮湿,空气混油,蒸汽弥漫,每个车台之间相距一尺五工人称此为 “坐着一个阶砖須丝”,大家面对面手碰手地工作,面前是装满热茧汤的缫丝锅,脑后是烘丝管,前蒸后烘车间温度往往达到38°C以上。“鬼須女”们汗流決背,头发和脸上凝满了亮晶晶的水珠,衣服从早湿到晚,常见有人昏倒。再加上地面污水横流,蚕蛹发霉,到处散发着令人发呕的臭味,所以,“鬼纺女”走到街上总让人闻到一股异味。
建国后,昔日人称“鬼红女”的缫丝女工一跃成为工厂的主人,劳动条件和生活状况都发生了根本的变化,过去的“鬼短”厂现已发展成大型现代机器缫丝厂,车间宽敞明亮、空气流通。缫丝设备技术的提高,改变了昔日“鬼纹”落后的生产状态,缫丝厂的女工每天愉快地工作,生产效率大幅度提高,收入也大幅度提高,生活福利受到保障,过去的苦难日子永远消逝了。直到90年代初,顺德的缫丝女工仍有自我戏称 “鬼红女”的。到2000年顺德的5家缫丝厂均己先后停产,随着时代的进步,鬼䊺女的名称已成为过去。
(Text from Silk Capital of Southern China of Museum in Shunde, Guangdong)
英语中,脏话(Profanity)一词最初含义仅用于表示渎神、亵渎神圣,或随便的提及神的名义(渎神的说法或赌咒)。特别是这样的说法:"God damn it"(天杀的)、"go to Hell"(去死/下地狱)、及"damn you"(去你的)。
脏话的意义现已延伸至包含色情、男性至上、贬损、种族主义及具有性意味的字眼。英语中,常用的有"fuck, screw"(肏,性交之意)、"shit"(屎)、"cunt, pussy"(屄,阴道之意,有时也用来侮辱女性)、"nigger"(黑鬼)及常见的"bitch, prostitute,ball buster"(婊子)、"ass/arse"(屁股、驴蛋)及"bastard"(王八蛋)。
Profanity is a general term for some vulgar, awful words. Most words related to profanity are associated with sex, with some involving racism, sexism, as well as vicious personal insults and death curses.
There exist various types of profanity, with some being intolerable to the ear, some sounding mild, some expressing evil curses, as well as some being of unclear meaning. In short, all profanities are exclusively for venting and cursing, making the scolded person angry or sorrowful. In more severe cases, physical conflicts would be followed. However, profanity can also be used to emphasize the expression, vent, describe an object or convey information.
Some special compliments are also considered profanity because they contain vulgar words.
As for profanity, several prerequisites are required, including
1)The word must be offensive. E.g., "table" and "tree" cannot be used for profanity, because no human beings would be offended.
2)profanity is of specific characteristics associated with offensiveness, being harsh and not too mild.
3)The statement must violate a taboo that pulls any private activity into the public domain.
4)Profanity must be intentionally to shock, anger or discomfort the listener.
5)The content of profanity must be widely agreed upon as "disgusting things".
Purpose of use
Profanity can be used to emphasize the word, express and vent strong emotions (such as anger, displeasure, disgust, surprise and contempt), or enable a greater intensity of insults, achieving an unparalleled effect of language compared with general words.
Use occasions
Personal attack: the use of profanity directly toward people aims to damage the personality and dignity of the listener.
Venting dissatisfaction: common usage. Such profanity is consciously uttered by the characters when they encounter things unfavourable, or they blurt out subconsciously when experiencing emergently dangerous events. At this time, profanity is regarded as modal particles.
Joking: common usage. Profanity, on this occasion, is not deemed as an insult or slander by the user, but the listener may think of it as an insult. Usually, it can only be used between people who have a close relationship, a similar age, and the same status.
Profanity is usually used in bad moods. Not only do they easily cause dissatisfaction to others, but they can even have an extremely bad influence on culture within a certain range.
In English, the original meaning of the profanity only referred to blasphemous expressions, such as the sayings ‘God damn it’, ‘go to Hell’, and ‘damn you’.
The behaviour of profanity has now been extended to the expression of words that are pornographic, male supremacy, derogatory, racist and sexually explicit. In English, commonly used words with the meaning of profanity include "fuck, screw", "shit", "cunt, pussy", "nigger" and the usual "bitch, prostitute, ball buster", "ass/arse" and "bastard".
Meanwhile, the words 'Jesus', 'Christ', 'Jesus Christ' and 'God's condemnation' are also considered profanity which are used to express dissatisfaction, whilst they are typically a function word.
In Hong Kong, some people consider words that involve sexual organs and sexual intercourse (illicit) as a kind of profanity.
She is a painter and research on painting materials, her works revolve around the interior and exterior of daily life, obsessing over color and shape. Her painting concern literature and trying to clearly describe chaos. Currently, she works and lives in two dimensions in multiple cities.
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靡菲斯特的舞步 沪申画廊 群展 中国 上海 2021
迎春画展 站台中国 群展 中国 北京 2021
The Most Recent Exhibition
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Reside and curate, Inside-Out art museum, China, Beijing, (2022)
Spring Fever, Platform China, Beijing, China (2021)
Tangle of Revolution and Political Soul, Shanghai Gallery of Art (SGA), Shanghai, (2021)