

Mstudio Mstudio 2020-09-02

M'room Art  project 








Ever since Mino (the owner of M studio) was moved, till now, the presentation of this room trans forms into a whole living space from one wall, realizing the sudden increase of physical area. Mean while,the rendering logic is forced to return to the clues of life from thede-location attribute of the wall, the reified "institution"consciousness, the independent and unconventional monotonous vocabulary, and the strong relation between the author and the context of the work, and even make the function and power of "homewhite box" rebirth.


Take the demolition process of Heiqiao as the background. M studio, now surrounded by the ruins after the common memory, and the decorative blue iron sheet. Zha songang hopes to make living and exhibition co-exist inside and outside the mutually dependent room so that the correlationeffect of using "true" to depict "false" happens, by warning, constant replication, fabrication and other weak actions. Cheapwarning sign guides the moving line of the project from outside to inside, fromstanding to sitting, and from viewing to thinking. Without changing the insideand outside functions, layout and standard of the room, it indicates the"safety" of M studio has not been dismantled yet, and the fact thatit will fade away together with the fate of Heiqiao.


By the action of constant replication, a dialogue text is prompted to generate another text result of infinite multiplesof variables and volumes. The dissipation process by which replication occursis replaced by the disappearance result, and presented in the form of"sculpture" without processing. The disappearance process will existas a third kind of text, which will be imaged, recorded, edited and projected into the "sculpture" bearing the process, meaning that the text itself will be disappeared. The only dialogue that actually happened wasdiluted by the action of the whole series of act, and even eliminated its meaning by the final visual which is left over and transformed.


Another work is a seemingly independent darkline setting. A window is reasonably fabricated and integrated into the structure of the room, in this room, the "real" original appearanceis replaced by the "false" use function. When the window is opened,the view from the window is the inherent scene of the room, the fabricated window eliminate the living function of ventilation and lighting, and the"superfluous existence" responds to the inside and outside reality ofthe real window in the warned room.


In terms of the conception and setting of theproject, Zha songang hopes to reduce the influence on the original environmentof the room and make the minimum or as far as possible hidden changes. In the timeline of the whole process of the project, while the room is being worked,it will not affect or change the habits of any host in the residence. The fateremains unchanged and life goes on as usual.

Feng xi

▲窗 / 室外

▲窗 \ 室内

▲“窗”  \ 闭合、打开 


▲对话 | 文本、投影


▲对话文本 | 投影、视频




开幕:2019.04.14  16:30



By Zha songgang | The room be worked

Curator: Feng xi

Opening: Sunday, April 14, 4:30PM

Duration: April 14-27, 2019

By appointment only (Wechat): 18601344305


Add : Mstudio,Hei Qiao central kindergarden,

Chao Yang district,Beijing



“M的房间” 非盈利艺术项目,由米诺于2017年发起。项目不定期邀请艺术家进入她的个人空间Mstudio进行艺术创作,就一些艺术领域的命题进行实验性探讨。

M'room is a non-profit art project initiated by Mino in 2017. From time to time, artists are invited to her private space Mstudio for artistic creation, and some related propositions in the field of art are explored experimentally.










