YIBO GALLERY艺博画廊丨“抽象2020/下 夜与昼”预告
黄宾虹书法集萃·自怡书迹 临古书稿
大画家吴湖帆的一部深情书丨《佞宋詞痕》绝妙辞 说相思
“抽象2020/下 夜与昼”预告
抽象2020/下 夜与昼
策展人/ 李旭
展期/ 2021/1/30 - 2021/3/30
丁乙 / 王一 / 邓云飞 / 申凡 / 冯良鸿 / 曲丰国 / 高入云 / 黄渊青 / 潘微 / 潘小荣 / 薛松
艺博画廊2021新年首展“抽象2020/下 夜与昼”,将于2021年1月30日拉开序幕。
丨邓云飞 Deng Yunfei 特效 - 技能系列033 Special Effects - Skill Series 033 布面综合 mixed media on canvas 130 x 130cm 2016
丨冯良鸿 Feng Lianghong 黑白20-2 Black and White 20-2 布面油画oil on canvas 220 x 250 cm 2020
丨高入云 Gao Ruyun 612743墨 纸 综合媒介 Ink paper mixed media 190 x 110cm x 3 (190 x 330cm) 2020
丨丁乙 Ding Yi 十示 2020-24 Appearance of Crosses 2020-24 椴木板上综合材料mixed media on basswood 120 x 240 cm 2020
丨潘小荣 Pan Xiaorong 2014-10 墨汁 卡纸 Ink paperboard 120 x 90cm x4 2014-10
丨黄渊青 Huang Yuanqing 2020-12 布面油彩 oil on canvas 210 x 170cm 2020-12
丨曲丰国 Qu Fengguo 2015 四季 隆冬 2015 Four Seasons - Midwinter 布面油画 oil on canvas 200 x 300cm 2015
平面设计/Hopesun Design
丨薛松 Xue Song 与大师对话系列之八 Dialogue with Masters - No.8 布面丙烯 综合材料 acrylic on canvas mixed media 160 x 140cm 2013
Li Xu
Art Critic, Curator
1967 Born in Shenyang, Liaoning province, China
1984-1988 Studied art history in the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing
1988-2005 Chief curator, Director of Academic Research Department, Shanghai Art Museum
2006-2011 Director, Z-art Center, Shanghai
2011-2015 Deputy Director, Power Station of Art, Shanghai
2018-now Professor, Shanghai Theatre Academy
Curator of exhibitions such as Shanghai Biennale (2000, 2002, Shanghai Art Museum, China), “Metaphysics: Shanghai Abstract Art Exhibition” (2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, Shanghai Art Museum, China), “Dreaming of the Dragon’s Nation—Contemporary Art from China” (2004, IMMA, Dublin, Ireland), “Lines—Chinese Abstract Art” (2007, Creek Art, Shanghai, China), “Tao of Nature—Chinese Abstract Art Exhibition” (2011, MoCA Shanghai, China), “Portrait of the Times: 30 Years of Chinese Contemporary Art” (2013, PSA, Shanghai, China), “Calligraphic Time & Space: Abstract Art in China” (2015, PSA, Shanghai, China) , "Abstraction 2020" (2020, YIBO Gallery, Shanghai, China) etc.
丨申凡 Shen Fan river-p-31 纸本油画 oil on paper 96 x 96cm 2002
Abstraction 2020 Part III: Night & Day Foreword
Time flies like an arrow and passes by like a shuttle. Regardless of day or night, the passing of time flows on like a stream, never ceasing.
We situate in a time and space where time is irreversible.
Time is the experience of every minute and second, the process of every mark and stroke, the undergoing of every day and night. Artists constantly obtain inspiration in the fleeting moment of breathing. As time elapses, their works of art become increasingly mature. Their rapid or slow actions brilliantly reveal image and concept on paper, canvas, wood, stone, metal, film, and screen. The resulting effect echoes with the emotion and rationality shared by human beings.
With no beginning or end, time is shapeless. A work of art must communicate with its viewers by means of visual representation and conceptual ideas. Abstract art reveals the indescribable nature of time, and it is also the traces and manifestations of the passing of time. With the theme of Night & Day, the exhibition is the last episode of “Abstraction 2020”. It elaborates the artists’ visual narrative in diverse terms: rapid and slow, ephemeral and eternal, decisive and hesitating, affirmative and negative, singular and plural, etc. To the artist, it takes years of articulation and experience to create either a single stroke or a finely crafted work. To the viewer, works that seem to be simple can generate multiple layers of complexity and meanings after thoughtful analysis. Therefore, both the process of creation and reception demand the investment of time through which the history of art proceeds.
At the invitation of Yibo Gallery, the trilogy of abstract art over a span of a whole year is coming to an end in this special year of 2020. The night and day still cycle alternately with each other. The light of the sun, moon, and stars is shining on our ever-rotating planet. The solar system is only a grain of sand in the universe. Every one of us is infinitely small, and not able to escape the fate of life. But artists embark on creation anyway. With the hope of being remembered in history, artists sing with their souls and confront time.
Life is limited. Creativity is boundless. Abstraction is eternal. Vive la art.
Curator/Li Xu
December 31, 2020
Graphic Design/Hopesun Design
Translator/Qiantong Tang
黄宾虹书法集萃·自怡书迹 临古书稿
吴湖帆的一部深情书丨《佞宋詞痕》绝妙辞 说相思