
《娱乐周刊》专访女神Emma Watson,这才是雅思口语满分标准!(附视频)

英语演讲第一站 精彩英语演讲 2020-08-21


今年早些时候,在《美女与野兽》电影上映之际,美若天仙的Emma Watson接受了《娱乐周刊》的专访并谈了拍摄这部影片的一些细节和问题。这是英语演讲君听到女神Emma最优雅的英音专访,像极了雅思口语考试的场景?这英音、这回答简直是满分范例啊!


The 'Beauty and the Beast' star Emma Watson sat down with Entertainment Weekly talks about taking on the iconic role of Belle, and her goals as a feminist.


With the new live-action version of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast hitting screens on March 17, the debate over whether Belle is trapped in an abusive relationship with Beast has been reignited.

Emma Watson, who stars as the bookish heroine, said it’s a concern she studied before signing on. In her interview with Entertainment Weekly for our new cover story,  she said she doesn’t think the criticism fits — at least not this version of the age-old folk tale.

“It’s such a good question and it’s something I really grappled with at the beginning; the kind of Stockholm Syndrome question about this story,” she says. “That’s where a prisoner will take on the characteristics of and fall in love with the captor. Belle actively argues and disagrees with [Beast] constantly. She has none of the characteristics of someone with Stockholm Syndrome because she keeps her independence, she keeps that freedom of thought.”

Belle is literally imprisoned by the monster early at the film, a sacrifice she willingly makes to spare her father. But Watson points out that the heroine fights back and tries relentlessly to escape. Only after Beast demonstrates a buried decency and unexpected kindness on his own does Belle begin to change her mind about him.

“I think there is a very intentional switch where in my mind Belle decides to stay. She’s giving him hell. There is no sense of, ‘I need to kill this guy with kindness,'” Watson says.

Her view is that Belle is never under the delusion that she deserves bad treatment.

“In fact, she gives as good as she gets. He bangs on the door, she bangs back. There’s this defiance that ‘You think I’m going to come and eat dinner with you and I’m your prisoner — absolutely not,'” Watson says. “I think that’s the other beautiful thing about the love story. They form a friendship first and that gap in the middle where there is this genuine sharing, the love builds out of that, which in many ways I actually think is more meaningful than a lot of love stories, where it was love at first sight.”

It’s actually dislike at first sight.

“Beast and Belle begin their love story really irritating each other and really not liking each other very much. They build a friendship, slowly, slowly, slowly, and very slowly that builds to them falling in love,” she says. “They are having no illusions about who the other one is. They have seen the worst of one another, and they also bring out the best.”


1Emma Watson:如何从土妞一步步变成女神?(附视频)


3Emma Watson休息了1年,做的事比你5年还多(附视频)



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