

英语演讲第一站 精彩英语演讲 2020-08-21






Easter is the most important time in the Christian calendar.

A time when we remember Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, and give thanks for the promise of redemption afforded by his resurrection.

Over the last year, Britain has faced some dark moments, from the terrorist attacks at Westminster Bridge and London Bridge, at Manchester Arena and Finsbury Park, and the fire at Grenfell Tower.

I know from speaking to the victims and survivors of these terrible events how vital the love and support they have received from their friends, family and neighbours has been to them as they begin to rebuild their lives. In the bravery of those facing adversity, the dedication of our emergency services, and the generosity of local communities, we see the triumph of the human spirit.

The Easter story contains an inspiring promise of new life and the triumph of hope.

For Christians around the world facing persecution, the message of the Cross and the resurrection help them to stand firm in their faith.

Here in Britain, Easter arrives with the coming of spring – a time of rebirth and renewal.

It is a chance for families to come together, to share a meal, to be outdoors and to enjoy the first stirring of nature after winter.

However you are spending this Easter, I hope that you have a happy and peaceful time.

致辞中,她强调了共同价值观:慈悲为怀、集体精神和公民意识,并呼吁信仰自由,最后祝愿包括基督徒在内的所有人——复活节快乐!Happy Easter! 




Easter is a moment to reflect, and an important time for Christians and others to gather together with families and friends.


This year, after a period of intense debate over the right future for our country, there is a sense that people are coming together and uniting behind the opportunities that lie ahead.

而今年,经过一段时间对我国未来正确发展路径的激烈辩论,全国开始出现了一种趋势 - 面对眼前的机遇,人们团结一致,携手共进。

For at heart, this country is one great union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future. And as we face the opportunities ahead of us – the opportunities that stem from our decision to leave the European Union and embrace the world – our shared interests, our shared ambitions, and above all our shared values can, and must, bring us together.

从本质上来说,英国是一个由人民和构成国组成的伟大联盟,拥有着光辉灿烂的历史和光明美好的未来。机遇此刻就摆在我们的眼前,而这些机遇源于我们之前做出的决定 - 脱离欧盟并拥抱世界 - 我们共同的利益、共同的雄心壮志,还有最重要的是我们共同的价值观,这些都能够且必定能够将我们紧紧团结在一起。

This Easter I think of those values that we share – values that I learnt in my own childhood, growing up in a vicarage. Values of compassion, community, citizenship. The sense of obligation we have to one another.

今年的复活节,让我想起了我们共有的价值观 - 我成长于一个牧师家庭,从小便习得了这些观念:慈悲为怀、集体精神、公民意识。以及人与人之间的那种义务感。

These are values we all hold in common, and values that are visibly lived out everyday by Christians, as well as by people of other faiths or none. 


I think of those who go out of their way to visit the sick or bereaved, providing comfort and guidance to many in our country at some of the most difficult moments in their lives. I think of the sacrifices and service of aid workers who put themselves in harm’s way to bring much-needed relief in war-torn parts of the world. 

我也想起有些人 - 他们会专程前往探望病痛之人、慰问丧亲之人,在这些人生活最艰难的日子里,给他们送去慰藉关怀和人生指导;这还让我想起了救援人员的牺牲和奉献,他们宁愿自己遇险受伤,也要为饱受战争蹂躏的地区提供急需的救济和帮助。

We should celebrate all these contributions and others like them, and the difference they make in our society and around the world. 


In doing so, we should be confident about the role that Christianity has to play in the lives of people in our country. And we should treasure the strong tradition that we have in this country of religious tolerance and freedom of speech. 


We must continue to ensure that people feel able to speak about their faith, and that absolutely includes their faith in Christ. We must be mindful of Christians and religious minorities around the world who do not enjoy these same freedoms, but who practise their religion in secret and often in fear. 


And we must do more to stand up for the freedom of people of all religions to practice their beliefs openly and in peace and safety.


So this Easter, whatever our faith, let us come together as a nation confident in our values, and united in our commitment to fulfil the obligations that we have to one another.


Let us work together to build that brighter future we want for our country. And let us together build a stronger, fairer Britain that truly does work for everyone. 


And let me wish you all a very happy Easter.

我也在此祝愿所有人 - 复活节快乐!


2央视专访英国首相梅姨,我很喜欢“Auntie May”这个称号(附视频)



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