Voice Of Diplomacy
立足中国 放眼世界
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1. Reflecting on 2017, what is the thing that has impressed you the most?
Well, in 2017, what impressed me the most absolutely was China entering a new era. So it was a complete privilege to be here to witness the progress of Chinese agenda towards a moderately prosperous society, to see president Xi delivering his remarkable speech on the 19th Congress. And having been here for 2 years, in two years, it’s remarkable,
You can see the change, you know, happening. A lot of it, I have to say, I’m very happy to say, is about progress in education, in science and technology, in innovation, and in cultural protection, so we see an advance in areas that are incredibly important to UNESCO, and we know that other areas are advancing so fast as well. So this is to me, what was the most extraordinary part of 2017. How lucky I am to be able to here to witness all this!
2. You have given Tencent highly complimentary remarks for their efforts in combining new technologies and traditional cultures, and you have also emphasized the importance to utilize new technologies to preserve and better inherit cultures. So in your opinion, how has China achieved in this area, and do you have any suggestion? Is there any future plan about UNESCO cooperating with China in this area?
This is absolutely an area that is fascinating, and it’s a new opportunity for the entire world. To look at how advances in technology such as virtual reality, augmented reality, AI translation and all kinds of simulations, motion-sensing, and such technologies can help cultures understand each other. Because sometimes it’s difficult for somebody who is not part of that culture to understand the concepts behind it. We can see, for example, a beautiful piece of calligraphy, and admire the beauty it has. But it’s hard for us to understand the meaning, the deep roots, for example, in Confucianism, which has abundant history behind it.
Technology can make us see that, you can use virtual reality, google to actually see yourself making, you know, doing calligraphy work, or to hear the thoughts of an artist when he or she is creating that piece of art, or to hear, to learn about the history behind it, the technique behind it. So it’s a wonderful way of people to connect cultures, and help us, deeply understand each other, which is one of the purposes of UNESCO, mutual understanding and respect for the diversity of cultures, so this is for us, it’s extraordinary that they got this point.
And China is a global powerhouse in terms of new technology and is investing even more in that area, and with 5000 years of history and cultural traditions, there is a number of beautiful traditions that can benefit from this kind of work. So in China, for example, we’ve been working with Tencent for very specific area: traditional games, and we collected and documented traditional games around the world and using technology to revitalize them, to present them to new generations. So that you can bridge the two culture of divides between peoples, you know, geographically divide, but also a generation of divide, between different age group. Because young people don’t necessarily know everything about the cultures and traditions of their ancestors, so it’s great the technology helps to modernize the culture and bring it to new generations as well as to overseas populations. So yes, I hope that we work a lot on this agenda. In fact, UNESCO is doing partnerships with a whole set of different companies, the technology companies around the world, to create and improve what we call the silk roads platform, which will exactly provide digital access and hi-tech access to cultures of all over the silk roads, from countries all over the world.
So this is an area we see growing and hope to collaborate even more with China. I actually had the privilege to see a game, a motion game that Tencent made of my own countries culture, of a form of Brazilian martial art, so they made a game out of it, so you can actually play it, which is amazing and really fantastic to see it happen.
3. Talking about education, how do you think China has progressed in this area in 2017? And do you have any further expectation in 2018?
Well, there’s a whole set of areas that China has progressed very strongly, and we work with China in most of them from early childhood education and up to higher education, there is a more in-depth adoption by China implementation even in leading what we call, the education 2030 agenda, which refers to attaining life-long learning, quality-education for all, so we see for example, in China, a big effort towards improving condition in western provinces, to match the education conditions, to match the already incredibly high performance of eastern provinces on education attainment, measures and others. You see, a whole number of Chinese universities progressing in terms of ranking in global standards. You also see inclusion of some vulnerable groups that are kept out of school for example, with the opportunities be extended of education for persons with disabilities. So there is a whole set of things happening right now, that show a commitment and an investment being made by China towards real education opportunities life-long for all Chinese, which is great.
And we see, we are happy to see that there is more of that coming in 2018, and we’ll be working with China, in for example setting up community learning centers, expanding education not only in China, but globally, extending study opportunities in countries in Africa, in Asia, even in Latin America with support from China to strengthen their capacities. And there is a whole agenda ahead of it, and I’m happy with that.
4. One last question, personally, do you have any new-year resolution in 2018?
My new-year resolution is to try to resist all the delicious Chinese food! Because I’ve gained 4 kilos since I came here already. Seriously, all the food is so delicious, and I travel , and I get the opportunity to try all amazing dishes from different provinces from Sichuanese cuisines to Cantonese cuisines. I’m always happy to try them, and you guys brought me cake. But my new-year resolution is to really try to exercise a little bit more and eat a little bit less.
And my second resolution is to visit more of Beijing, cause it’s interesting for I’ve been here 2 years, but since I travel so much, I was never in Beijing, and then I don’t get to see what is beautiful in Beijing, you know I’m always travelling. So in 2018, every weekend, I’m going to visit a different neighborhood and a different place, a little market, some craftsmen shops and to learn more about life in Beijing, which is fascinating and beautiful. Those are my two resolutions for new year.
《外交之声》祝全球华人新春愉快 狗年大吉!
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Voice Of Diplomacy
立足中国 放眼世界
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