
招聘 | 香港中文大学语言学系招聘语言科学及语言习得教师

香港中文大学 语言服务
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Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor 

(Language Sciences)

Closing date: July 31, 2022

The Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages is a young and vibrant Department, devoted to the study of language and mind, with strengths in theoretical linguistics, language acquisition, bilingualism, sign linguistics and language disorders. We are seeking to hire a dynamic language scientist with an interdisciplinary orientation and the ability to interface with other strategic areas of the Department and the University. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor, depending on the credentials of the candidate.

The Department is looking for a language scientist to support research and teaching activities in its strategic area of neurolinguistics and language disorders.  We are particularly interested in candidates who conduct theory-driven research that informs our understanding of language representation, processing, acquisition, and/or disorders.  Individuals whose research interfaces with neuroscience, data science, and/or language technology are especially welcome.  Those who have secondary interests in phonetics/phonology, syntax, semantics, language acquisition, bilingualism and/or sign linguistics are also welcome.

Applicants should have (i) a PhD degree in linguistics or a related field (e.g. applied linguistics, deaf studies, cognitive science); (ii) a strong record of research publication commensurate with rank; (iii) a record of success in obtaining external grants (or potential of doing so for Assistant Professor); and (iv) a commitment or record of teaching effectiveness, especially in courses related to language sciences.

The primary medium of instruction of the Department is English, for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The Department collaborates closely with other departments and research units across the University and its Greater Bay Area affiliates.  It is equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities, including sound chambers, eye trackers, fNIRS and EEG systems.  The University has a core neuroimaging facility that provides access to research-dedicated MRI scanners.  The University’s Shatin campus is adjacent to the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks, and along with its Greater Bay Area initiatives, offers ample opportunities to collaborate with industrial partners.

The appointee is expected to (a) teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses in language sciences; (b) supervise projects and theses of undergraduate, MA, MPhil and PhD students; (c) conduct programmatic research in his/her areas of expertise; and (d) undertake administrative duties.

Appointment will normally be made on a contract basis for up to three years initially commencing January 2023 or as early as possible, which, subject to mutual agreement, may lead to longer-term appointment or substantiation later.

Job: Professoriate, Teaching and Research Academic Posts

Organization: Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages

Unposting Date: Jul 31, 2022







Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor (Language Acquisition)

Closing date: August 31, 2022

The Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages is a young and vibrant Department, devoted to the study of language and mind, with strengths in theoretical linguistics, language acquisition, bilingualism, sign linguistics and language disorders. The Department is looking for applicants whose research has a strong grounding in linguistic theory and who employ conventional and/or contemporary research methods to address core issues in the relationship between linguistic theories and language acquisition. Applicants whose research has an interdisciplinary orientation and the ability to interface with other strategic areas of the Department and the University are especially welcome.

The appointment will be at the rank of Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor, depending on the credentials of the candidate.

Applicants should have (i) a PhD degree in linguistics; (ii) a strong record of research publication commensurate with rank; (iii) a record of success in obtaining external grants (or potential of doing so for Assistant Professor); and (iv) a strong commitment or record of teaching effectiveness, especially in courses related to language acquisition.

The primary medium of instruction of the Department is English, for both undergraduate and postgraduate classes. The Department collaborates closely with other departments and research units across the University and its Greater Bay Area affiliate. It is equipped with state-of-the-art research facilities, including sound chambers, eye trackers, fNIRS and EEG systems.

The appointee is expected to (a) teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses in linguistics and language acquisition; (b) supervise projects and theses of undergraduate, MA, MPhil and PhD students; (c) conduct programmatic research in his/her areas of expertise; and (d) undertake administrative duties.

Appointment will normally be made on a contract basis for up to three years initially commencing January 2023 or as early as possible, which, subject to mutual agreement, may lead to longer-term appointment or substantiation later.

Job: Professoriate, Teaching and Research Academic Posts

Organization: Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages

Unposting Date: Aug 31, 2022







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