Casa Mais Linda反差的魅力
Leo Romano
Casa Mais Linda
Casa Mais Linda位于历史悠久的伊图市,距圣保罗市以西约100公里。
Casa Mais Linda (Most Beautiful House) is located in the historic municipality of Itu, about 100 kilometres west of the city of São Paulo in Brazil.
More specifically, the residence is part of Condomínio Terras de São José, one of Brazil’s first and foremost urban residential areas. Established in 1975 and known for is extensive green areas and bird sanctuaries, the area now includes more than 700 residences that benefit from 24-hour security, 20 tennis courts, stables for 50 horses, three football fields, a helipad, a chapel and a golf course.
With the subtropical climate of southeastern Brazil, the surrounding nature and gardens have embraced the house nicely, and it now looks fully established on its gently sloping lot, only about a year after completion. With its concrete slanting roof and stilts, the structure has a slightly retro, sculptural appearance.
To add to the sense of lightness, the external walls between the concrete roof and floor are broken up with transparent glass segments, a bright yellow kitchen sector, and dark wood panelling.
From the inside
views of the surrounding nature
are thekey feature with
the sliding panels of wood
and glass helping bring the outdoors in
Leo Romano
Leo Romano是一家位于巴西戈亚尼亚的室内设计公司,主要制定住宅和公寓的建筑和室内设计。
创始人Leo Romano从小便开始了他的环球设计之旅,他不仅是一位建筑师,城市规划师,室内设计师还是视觉艺术硕士。创造力和奉献精神是Romano工作的指导要素。凭借在视觉艺术,室内设计和建筑领域15年的经验,Romano在设计和创作领域取得了不菲的成就。
Leo Romano所打造项目的创新和大胆,加上专业的提升,保证了他的市场定位主要集中在独特的美学和空间概念上,这使得他的作品成为了一个创作者和身份的典范。
Banema Studio创新实验室
收藏 “家” Keraton Residence