
木又寸 | 方舟2022

DINZ德网传媒 DINZHOME 2023-09-24

Atelier TreeDOUBLE BOO 西店记忆概念店



The universe is in constant motion as far as its vastness allows.

  建筑外观/Exterior of building


Likewise, humanity is in constant creativity so long as their sensitivity touches clothes and accessories that cloth and connect them corporeally and perceptively.

DOUBLE BOO汇集诸多当代创意服饰品牌、产品,于西店记忆开幕的新的概念零售店是承载服装、配饰品杰作穿越时空的新时代方舟。

Right in this sense, DOUBLE BOO beholds its new concept store to be opened in Beijing’s Cidi Memo iTown as an Ark for the New Age as contemporary creative apparel brands and products have been brought together there so comprehensively.


It is AtelierTree’s design strategy that associates the infinite charm of the universe with construction and expression to augment the values and energy spatially for the very brand store there, apart from satisfying its basic demands for efficiency and economy by establishing an overall super-clean consuming experience from functional layout, sales-line organization to three-dimensional imagery based on the site conditions.


The store is situated on the ground floor among other core buildings of the Cidi Memo Creative Park, covering a square plan. Three out of all four sides face the passage and plaza immediately as a continuum of the public spaces. To the west, a monumental concrete elevated railway bridge stands as a modern relic, spanning all through the park in the north-south direction. The main passages and walkways of the park are arranged right under it along both sides, which, along with the core sports and leisure plaza to the north, engenders colorful activities and converges streams of people.

DOUBLE BOO西店记忆概念店延续三里屯店的空间印记,将无穷大符号∞物化为主要天花形状和主入口的门把手造型。∞链接了品牌基因与场地特征,孕育出向往无穷大宇宙深邃神秘元初魅力的新店空间的主体形式,一个黑与白立体交融,虚与实对话共生的当代零售体验场所。

While continuing its concept store’s spatial imprint in Sanlitun, here DOUBLE BOO has ∞, the infinity symbol, featured on its ceiling as well as the handles at the main entrance. In this way, the brand genes and the site conditions are hinged together, and an ontological form is conceived of the infinite depth and primary simplicity of the universe; namely, a contemporary place of retail experience that blends the black and the white, and mediates the void and the solid. 

内部空间分为服装展示区、配饰品陈列区、Bar、仓库和管理办公等功能区域。主要展陈区域紧邻公共通道与广场,两个出入口连接西南角步行人流与北向广场上的密集人群,展陈区内部回字形的空间架构,提高空间的利用效率,极大提升商品展示数量,也形成双层环形连续流畅的顾客动线。Atelier Tree通过对室内动线上墙体与展架的虚实界面的有效配置,协调购物体验与陈列数量之间的平衡。

The interior is zoned into five sections: apparel display, accessory exhibition, bar, storage and office. The main display area adjoins the public passage and plaza, with its two entrances catering to the streams of walkers from the southwest corner and crowds from the plaza in the north. A rectangular-ambulatory plane not only improves the spatial utilization and maximizes the displayed goods, but also forms a double-ring-shaped endless circuit for the passengers; all along which the shopping experience versus displaying quantity is also well balanced as AtelierTree has effectively coordinated the solid-void interface between the circuit-walls and the display-shelves. 



A positive gesture well-suited to the environment is also created through a strong void-solid contrast resulting from the closely interlocked exterior and interior. In the outer walls of the water-bar in the southwest corner as well as those of the northward-plaza-facing display section, large transparent panes of glass are adopted to open the interior outward, enhance communication with the street, and invigorate the magnetism of both spots to the streams of people outside. In the west, where the elevated railway bridge is mainly confronted, a wholly-closed enormous mass of geometry echoes the monumental sense of scale while reducing the building into a wildly robust monolith, the “carving out” the Ark and store.


All the external masses and most of the internal walls are fashioned in black. The walls are thickened for spatial separation, and then carved into niches for apparel display, with metallic sheets foiled inside, contrasting the outer vastness of paint and rock-grains in both sight and texture. 


Whiteness generates from the light continuously, then fades out upon the black solid, as if the transition of energy were caught by snapshots. Right in there, the human intervention by the body makes the black-white and void-solid tension perceptible, and the movement of energy is embodied as the journey of life.



In his “Tao Te Ching”, the philosopher Lao Tzu in the Chinese axial period asserted that “One (Tao) begets Two (yin and yang), Two begets Three (Heaven, Earth and Man), and Three begets all things. ” The very beginning and momentum of our universe and fellow-things are worth musing, as AtelierTree attempts here this time, by turning the numerous brands and products of apparel into an accommodating container. The rumination of the traditional philosophy of "Tao" leads to the abstraction of the endlessly creative complex forms into the simplicity of solid-void and black-white; with the assistance of the interactive relationships exploring in between space, time, and body, the upcoming new-age life will be approached and an imaginative journey into the universe will be embarked. 


项目名称 | 方舟2022-DOUBLE BOO 西店记忆概念店

设计公司 | 木又寸建筑事物室AtelierTree

主持建筑 | 常凯生

设计团队 | 黄晓坤,石尚

项目业主 | 北京名玳商贸有限公司

施工单位 | 熊腾飞团队

项目地点 | 北京市朝阳区西店记忆文创园D2-101

建筑面积 | 350平方米

主要材料 | 佐敦涂料JOTUN(外墙),佐敦涂料JOTUN(内墙),PU石皮,金属饰面板,喷砂不锈钢板,软膜天花

设计时间 | 2021年 9月-11月

建成时间 | 2022年 3月

摄  影 师 | 吕博

项目视频 | 木又寸建筑事物室

翻      译 | 陈相营

不锈钢工程 | 北京盛鑫达建筑装饰工程有限公司

主持建筑师 / 常凯生

木又寸建筑事物室(Atelier Tree)以人的身体和精神为关注原点,将研究、实践聚焦于建筑,抵达超级尺度城市设计、乡村规划,微小装置、产品设计之两极。在公共、文化、教育、商业、办公等广泛类型之创造活动中,木又寸建筑事物室(Atelier Tree)以开放的跨学科视野与极富深度的专业经验为工具,将设计能量、创新价值叠加至物与事件的诸多层面。依赖由建筑师至团队,由内心至外在方法,开放真诚的执业态度,企图在迅速变化的人工、自然环境中,坚定地拓展和定义当代、未来生活的新状态。

ROOI 诺亿设计|一间由使用者“设计”的店铺

漫设计 | 消失的边界

FF DESIGN | 复古,是终生浪漫的开始

云行空间建筑 | 一块“叁毛玖”

