
艺言难尽 Speak No More|抛出一个圈套

拟像艺术 SIMULACRA 拟像 2022-11-21





The Mind

开幕式/Opening: 03月05日 Mar. 05

展览时间/Exhibition Duration: 2022.03.05 - 2022.04.11

地点/Address: 北京市朝阳区草场地艺术区241-8

241-8, Caochangdi Art District, Chaoyang, Beijing




Zachariah Zhou: Let us start with the title of the exhibition. Why did you pick this name? How was the choice between mind, intellect, soul... being made?


Wang Zhiyi: The semantic meaning of a word always revolves around the context of the moment, and the adoption of the title "Mind" is, to a large extent, an expectation that the exhibition as a whole can bring the viewer some more flexible inspirations in line with the current situation of the surrounding. Under the exhibition structure, the "mind" is an illusory system formed by the collection of emotions in our thinking. It is a spontaneous generation machine, which contains more or less the intellect of a game, but not all of it is wandering.


Zachariah Zhou: This exhibition is very different from other projects you had done before; what made this change?

Black mirror - S04 E01


Wang Zhiyi: These days, exhibitions are becoming more and more like scenography. Many people who come to see the exhibition are taking pictures and are also like players in a game who go online to do their daily missions. They have the purpose of "coming here" but are confused about "where to go." As a game administrator, I hope my site can generate more interaction with the audience, so the exhibition deliberately sets up some bugs that feel like they can be accessed by the participants so that people can observe and "pick up" the bugs. I hope the exhibition's core is to translate the rules that make us enlightened, for example, how a game can be more addictive. On the other hand, I hope to get the false experimental data that are not over-packaged, as if we are throwing a trap, easy and natural - they should be interlinked with each other.


Zachariah Zhou: Many of the works in this exhibition have a playful quality. For you, what is the relationship between art and game?

Westworld - S01 E06


Wang Zhiyi: The game is not all about entertainment; it is not like taking a chance. I think it is an algorithmic, logical activity. In a way, both art and games have a virtual attribute. The most significant difference between them and reality is that they are reborn by reading the file and starting over - a repetition that has the goal of both survival skills training and mental development.


Zachariah Zhou: Today, the way art communicates with the public has become more of a social media photoshoot. How do you see this state of affairs, and how does it affect the artist's work?


Wang Zhiyi: Besides art, perhaps life itself is a kind of scenography. The masses have the logic of mass behaviors, and the act of posing for photos seems to confirm that the experience of art is highly niche and unconventional. For an artist, it often requires subjective expression and objective thinking. Therefore, at this stage, such a situation proves a spyglass of the phenomenon of the attention economy.


Zachariah Zhou: Why are you fascinated by geometric and mathematical relationships in your work?


Wang Zhiyi: In my opinion, proportions and probabilities are beautiful in themselves, not only in the visual language, but subconsciously, the human brain agrees that order is better than disorder and that what we think of as random is actually contained by an organic algorithm.


Zachariah Zhou: Light has always been one of the elements you specialize in using; what role does it play in your works?


Wang Zhiyi: Light is set as a kind of command in the exhibition site; in the darkness, the instinct to the light commands us to go to the bright place, the place where there is light - this is the object's effect on the individual. Moreover, the light itself is a physical beacon, a totem that is everydayified, corresponding to the birth of color.


Zachariah Zhou: So what do you think about the use of color?


Wang Zhiyi: The vast majority of my choices and trade-offs with color are intuitive. A single color does not constitute a change in contrast, and colors themselves certainly carry some kind of psychological suggestion. However, they are a direction to be guided, to be blurred. In most cases, they are a primary medium, appearing everywhere in reality, and the treatment I use tends to focus and intensify them.


Zachariah Zhou: Why did you think of using color to represent sound?


Wang Zhiyi: The structure of any visualization contains rhythm. If we understand sound as a kind of "Chi, "then the change of color is relatively less rigid - each color presents a different feeling and atmosphere in different environments, and this experience is quite subtle.


Zachariah Zhou: How were the spatial works in Hall B conceived? Why are they presented in this way, and what is the idea you want to communicate?

Étant donnés: 1. La chute d’eau, 2. Le gaz d’éclairage

(Given: 1. The Waterfall, 2. The Illuminating Gas)

Marcel Duchamp

王智一:马赛尔·杜尚(Marcel Duchamp)遗作《既定:瀑布第一,明气第二》(Étant donnés: 1°la chute d'eau 2° le gaz d'éclairage)中关于阴影的遮蔽性提到一种小孔成像。这种身居暗处的窥探行为恰好使我联想到法国电影理论家克里斯蒂安·麦茨指出的——电影放映的条件为窥视欲创造了适宜的情境:黑暗的放映厅中的银幕方框犹如钥匙孔。我想让大空间的整个现场变成一个游戏后台的临界点,引导观众凑过身来设身处地的感受一个已然设置好的彩蛋。

Wang Zhiyi: In Marcel Duchamp's posthumous work Étant donnés: 1° la chute d'eau 2° le gaz d'éclairage (Given: 1. The Waterfall, 2. The Illuminating Gas), the obscuration of shadows refers to a kind of small-hole imaging. This voyeuristic behavior in the shadows reminds me of what the French film theorist Christian Metz pointed out - the conditions of film projection create the proper context for voyeurism: the screen box in a darkened screening room is like a keyhole. I wanted to make the entire scene in the ample space a backstage proscenium for the game, leading the audience to come closer and place themselves site-specifically and feel the bonus that has already been set.


Zachariah Zhou: The video work in the space structure was also NFTed. How did you get involved in NFT, and tell us what you know about NFT and whether it impacts the creation of art?


Wang Zhiyi: This is exactly what I wanted to point out through the work, that long before I placed this skin on the wall, the first virtual currencies had been created through gaming equipment. Obviously, this kind of transaction forms a perfect logic in which the probability of a virtual game is the same as the time in the real world. Time is efficiency, efficiency is money, and attention is the point at which the dice fall.



Zachariah Zhou: It is a bit of a pity that you could not be present for the opening of this epidemic and that the installation was communicated remotely, but this has been the norm in the art industry during the epidemic. How do you think this change will affect the artists and the art system?


Wang Zhiyi: Yes, but it just confirms our vulnerability to systematic search and the mind gradually being exercised and grown in the reality of disorder, doesn't it?



王智一的主要个展包括:“一以贯之”(金桥碧云美术馆,中国上海,2021),“色气”(Harmony Art Gallery,中国上海,2021),“霓虹甜心”(BANANA ART SPACE,中国南京,2021),“必经之路”(寄存处,中国上海,2020),“意义”(胶囊上海,中国上海,2018),“兴绘”(西五艺术中心,中国北京,2016),“完形”(湖北美术学院,中国武汉,2014)等。





Wang Zhiyi (b.1991) is a nomadic and integrated art worker. He studied at the Department of Design and the Department of Mural and Mixed Media Painting at the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, where he also studied art theory and exhibition practice. At present, he focuses on the symbolic and implication of color and graphics at the level of perception, and thus sorts out the association between the human psyche and allegorical bodies and connotations; on the other hand, he is interested in curating the actual encounters of artistic individuals and the underlying motives of their creativity.

Wang Zhiyi's major solo exhibitions include: "Consistence" (Being Art Museum, Shanghai, China, 2021), "Color gas" (Harmony Art Gallery, Shanghai, China, 2021), "Put You In My Suitcase" (BANANA, Nanjing, China, 2021), "Predestinate"(De Pot, Shanghai, China, 2020), "Meaning " (CAPSULE, Shanghai, China, 2018), "Painting is Pleasure" (C5 Art Center, Beijing, China 2016), and "The Gestalt" (Hubei Institute of Fine Arts(HIFA), Wuhan, China, 2014), etc.

Some of the group exhibitions he has participated in include: "I Recognized the World: Born in the 80s and 90s" (MOCA Yinchuan, China, 2021), "Painting and Existence" (Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China, 2020), "Wall Power IV" (Times Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2019), "Becoming" (Today Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2018), " Refocusing" (Fine Arts Literature Art Center, Wuhan, China, 2017), "Abstract Q & A" (Star Gallery, Beijing, China, 2016), "The Boundaries of Order" (Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China 2015), "Soft Abstraction as Constellation" (UCCA, Beijing, China, 2014), etc.


Wang Zhiyi has received the highest award for outstanding graduation works and dissertations of the Hubei Province (2014). He participated in the K11 residency program (2016-2018), was shortlisted for the Power Station of Art Shanghai's "Emerging Curators Project" (2017-2018), won the first prize of Wall Power Artist (2019), and was shortlisted for the K11 Emerging Art Creation Award (2021). In addition, his art critiques have been published in various media, and his works have been collected by Louis Vuitton Art Foundation, JP Morgan Chase Group, K11 Art Foundation, Purple Roof Public Art, Duende Art Museum, and other institutions as well as private collectors.

